題 名 | 微型創業鳳凰政策之過程評估:屏東縣個案分析=The Process Assessment of Phoenix Micro Funds for Entrepreneurial Women Policy: A Case Study of Pingtung County |
作 者 | 王嘉州; 王怡雯; | 書刊名 | 中國行政評論 |
卷 期 | 18:2 2011.06[民100.06] |
頁 次 | 頁145-178 |
分類號 | 544.53 |
關鍵詞 | 政策執行; 政策評估; 背景脈絡; 女性創業; Background; Female entrepreneurship; Policy evaluation; Policy implementation; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 協助婦女創業已成全球重要課題。我國政府亦積極籌畫婦女創業輔導服務機制,其中最顯著的方案為「創業鳳凰專案」。此方案自2007年推行後,屏東縣已累積不少成功案例,但也有失敗案例。為何成功?又為何失敗?因政策仍在實施中,本研究採過程評估觀點分析。透過文獻分析、深度訪談及參與觀察等研究法,探討微型創業鳳凰的背景脈絡與執行過程,並分析執行過程對執行成果的影響。本研究發現:申請成功個案均財務健全,申請目的包括獲得周轉資金及實踐自我理想。政策宣傳管道以網路為主,輔以機關文宣及報章雜誌。創業計畫書是申請者的難題,但行政單位絕對不會代寫,而是一對一指導。執行人員與顧問群因秉持同理心而備受申請人肯定。申貸銀行訓練與資訊不足則最被詬病。因此,政策協辦單位的協調,乃不容忽視的環節。申請微型創業鳳凰未通過的原因,以財務信用問題及經營問題為最大宗。受訪成功個案目前經營狀況都不錯,但能否維持仍有待觀察。申貸成功者都認為政策有助創業後的財務支持,但程序冗長且撥款速度緩慢。勞委會定期印刷的購物手冊,會為申請成功者免費廣告,有時還會推薦電視台或雜誌採訪。不過,若能定期聯繫追蹤,將會更獲好評。 |
英文摘要 | Assisting female entrepreneurs has become an important issue worldwide. Our government is also devoted to designing a mechanism to provide counseling services for female entrepreneurs, the most prominent case being the “Phoenix Micro Funds for Entrepreneurial Women.” Since its implementation in 2007, Pintung County had already witnessed many successful cases, but there were also cases that did not make it. The causes of a case to succeed and to fail were to be discussed. Since the policy is still being implemented, the analysis made in this study was performed via process evaluation. The background and the implementation process of the Phoenix project was investigated through literature review¸ in-depth interviews and observation, and analysis of the impacts of the implementation process on the outcome. It was discovered in this study that successful applicants are all financially sound, and that their aims include acquiring a capital turnover and practicing ego ideal. Policy advocacy is done mainly through internet-based channels, supplemented with propaganda agencies and newspapers and magazines. Writing a business plan presents a major challenge to the applicants, and though the administrative unit would never write it in place of the applicants, they do provide one-to-one assistance. Executives and consultants are praised by the applicants for empathizing with them. Bank loan application training and insufficient information, on the other hand, are the most criticized areas. Thus, coordination among policy organizers is not to be ignored. Problems in financial credit and business operations are the leading causes for those that fail the Phoenix micro-entrepreneur application. The business conditions of the successful individuals interviewed are fine now, but whether the situations are sustainable is yet to be determined. Successful applicants all believed that the policies were helpful in providing financial support after their undertaking, but thought that the procedure for the release of funds was lengthy and slow. The periodical shopping guide printed by the Council of Labor Affairs regularly advertises the successful applicants free of charge. The CLA sometimes recommends these applicants for television or magazine interviews. But it would be even more pleasing if the CLA actively follow the condition of applicants up. |