題 名 | 鹿特丹規則就託運人義務與責任規定之研究--以危險貨物為中心=Study on the Obligation and Liability of Shipper under Rotterdam Rules--Focus on Dangerous Cargo |
作 者 | 羅俊瑋; | 書刊名 | 東海大學法學研究 |
卷 期 | 49 2016.08[民105.08] |
頁 次 | 頁213-277 |
分類號 | 585.441 |
關鍵詞 | 鹿特丹規則; 漢堡規則; 威士比規則; 海牙規則; 海商法; 海上運送人; 託運人; 受貨人; 危險貨物; 責任限制; 適航性; 傭船契約; Rotterdam Rules; Hamburg Rules; Visby Rules; Hague Rules; Maritime Act; Ocean carrier; Shipper; Consignee; Dangerous goods; Limit liability; Seaworthy; Charter party; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 鹿特丹規則為近年國際統一海上貨物運送秩序之重要成果,其非如過往國際海上運送公約主要就運送人之義務與責任為規定,但就託運人之部分少有置言。鹿特丹規則於第七章就託運人之義務與責任為詳細規定,並對其交運危險貨物之部分有較以往公約更為妥適之規定。即託運人於交付貨物運送時,應就貨物備妥代運,並提供相關貨物資訊於運送人,就危險貨物亦應就相關資訊、文件及處理方式提供於運送人。運送人對於所運送之貨物,亦可要求託運人提供相關之資訊,此等均屬創新之規定。於我國現行海商法係參酌海牙規則制定,與海牙規則有相同之問題,即係對於託運人之義務與責任少有規定。因此本文即係全面就鹿特丹規則第七章之規定詳為解析,期將相關結論作為我國海商法修正之參考。 |
英文摘要 | The "Rotterdam Rule" is an important achievement in the field of the uniformity of international maritime carriage, which establishes a comprehensive legal regime governing the rights and obligations for not only carrier but also shipper. As far as the shipper is concerned, it obliges the shipper to delivery and provide all relevant information, instructions and documents of dangerous goods with the carrier who is also entitled to request for the same in the chapter 7 of the "Rotterdam Rule", which are belonged to new rules in international cargo conventions. Taiwanese Maritime Law is referenced by the "Hague Rules", which is lack of sufficient provisions about the obligations and liabilities of the shipper. Accordingly, this paper deals with the new rules in chapter 7 of the "Rotterdam Rule" and then submits proposal to the authorities for the regulatory reform for future reference. |