題 名 | 墾丁國家公園住民違章建築問題及處理策略研究=A Study of Illegal Residential Building Issues in Kenting National Park and Handling Strategies |
作 者 | 林孟儒; 彭光輝; | 書刊名 | 國家公園學報 |
卷 期 | 25:2 2015.12[民104.12] |
頁 次 | 頁29-39 |
分類號 | 542.68 |
關鍵詞 | 墾丁國家公園; 違章建築; 問卷調查; 深度訪談; 住民; Kenting National Park; Illegal construction; Questionnaire survey; In-depth interviews; Resident; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 墾丁國家公園於民國71年成立,為臺灣第一座國家公園,園區住民主要散佈於後灣、萬里桐等多達42個農漁村聚落,多年來當地住民因國家公園法導致居住生存與發展限制也讓墾管處與住民間產生嚴重隔閡,與住民息息相關的建築物管理更是其中之一。自墾丁國家公園管理處於民國91年接管墾丁國家公園建管業務後,違章建築一直是棘手問題,截至民國101年12月底止,經查報違建數量已達949件,不僅對建築物合法之住民有失公平性外,也嚴重影響園區整體視覺景觀風貌。因此,本研究歸納墾管處已查報且屬住民違建類型,同時進行問卷調查與深度訪談,藉此釐清園區住民違建成因與需求,做為墾管處後續研擬違建改善策略參考。研究結果顯示,園區住民主要違建成因可歸納三種:(1)每年高達六百萬觀光人潮帶動墾丁龐大的住宿商機,導致部分住民經營民宿增建設施造成違章建築事實;(2)部分老舊建築因年代久遠,加上幾次天災造成房屋亟需修繕及興建防水措施而造成違建事實;(3)因老舊建築因空間不足而增建樓地板面積導致違建事實。依據園區住民不同違建問題,本研究建議從制度面、輔導面、行政管理面、罰則面、民間參與面等五大面向17項策略著手,用以嚇阻新的違建產生,同時兼顧園區住民生活需求,最終達到提升營造優質的環境品質。 |
英文摘要 | Kenting National Park was established in 1982 as the first national park in Taiwan. The Park’s residents mainly settled in 42 agricultural and fishing villag-es, including Hou-ua, Wan-li-toung and more. Over the past many years, many residents and Kenting National Park Headquarters have had a serious collision of interests due to the National Park Law. The residents see the law as disruptive of their livelihood, and are particularly against building management. Since 2002 after Kenting National Park Headquarters took charge of the Park’s construction management services, illegal con-struction has been a troublesome problem with reported number reaching 949 by the end of 2012. In addition to being unfair to law-abiding residents who own legal buildings, it is also visually unfavorable to the Park’s landscape. In this study, questionnaires and in-depth interview with the Park’s residents were conducted to clarify reasons behind il-legal construction before illegal construction patterns. Based on these surveys, illegal constructions can be generalized and attributed to three reasons: First, up to six million tourists visit Kenting National Park every year now. As enormous business opportunities open up, some residents illegally constructed extra space on their existing buildings to run accommodation services. Second, residents illegally reconstructed parts of their buildings for waterproofing protection because the buildings were aging or suffered from natural disasters. Third, residents illegally constructed extra floor areas to their old, small buildings. Accordingly, 17 strategies in five aspects (incl. system, counseling, ad-ministration, penalties and civil participation) are suggested for Kenting National Park Headquarters to step up its measures to deal with and prevent illegal constructions. |