題 名 | 發展觀光計程車之初探--以高雄都會區為例=The Preliminary Study on Tourism Taxi Development--The Kaohsiung Metropolitan Area as an Example |
作 者 | 林亞萱; 魏榮進; 陳育生; | 書刊名 | 觀光旅遊研究學刊 |
卷 期 | 9:1 2014.06[民103.06] |
頁 次 | 頁1-28 |
分類號 | 557.82 |
關鍵詞 | 觀光計程車; 深度訪談; 問卷調查; 高雄; Tourism taxi; In-depth interview; Questionnaire; Kaohsiung; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 計程車於交通運輸中扮演都市行銷及發展觀光之雙重角色,計程車與觀光產業合作,可提升旅遊品質,增加計程車駕駛收入,促進觀光產業發展。本研究以高雄都會區為研究對象,由供給者角度探討觀光計程車之消費市場,輔以計程車駕駛經營觀光計程車意願調查,作為發展觀光計程車之策略研擬。透過定性研究與文獻蒐集設計半結構式訪談大綱,經深度訪談與統計分析歸納推廣觀光計程車因素,建構結構式問卷,調查高雄市乘客需求及計程車駕駛參與意願,統計高鐵旅客468份有效問卷、計程車駕駛599份有效問卷,得知78%計程車駕駛願意經營觀光計程車,67%民眾有高度意願搭乘觀光計程車,有意願之民眾具備高自主性特質,其最重視可靠度、專業度與方便性3項因素。 |
英文摘要 | Transportation is one of the essential elements in tourism development, and, for those in para-transit, taxis are an important role in urban marketing and the tourism industry. City government can integrate the taxi industry and tourism industry, and build an open information platform; therefore, tourism taxis will be created. This will be a great benefit for the public, as the prospect of quality tourism services are increased and the taxi becomes a point as the annual receivable income rises, and the government stabilises industry. Via qualitative research methods, this study is based on reviewing collected literature, Semi-structured and In-depth Interview and a Factor Analysis Approach to consolidate the key elements for a "Tourism Taxi". These elements are reformed as a questionnaire to collect data regarding public needs and the willingness for the taxi driver to participate. This study is to explore the feasibility of promoting "Tourism Taxis" in Kaohsiung City while considering public behaviour and the implementation of ideas for a "Tourism Taxi". The result of this visibility is going to be used for strategy marketing in "Tourism Taxis" as a feasibility study report. A total of 1,067 effective samples were collected, 468 from High-Speed Rail passengers, and 599 from taxi drivers. The result shows that the 78% of taxi drivers and the public also have a high degree of willingness at 67% of participation in. Finally, other statistic shows the public with a high autonomy characteristics count the Reliability, Professionalism and Convenience as the three key elements when choosing a "Tourism Taxi". |