題 名 | 照顧管理專員角色功能及照顧管理服務滿意度之相關研究=A Study Investigating the Role and Function of Care Managers and the Satisfaction of Primary Caregivers with Care Management Services |
作 者 | 李佳苓; 劉立凡; 陳淑馨; 林綉君; | 書刊名 | 護理暨健康照護研究 |
卷 期 | 11:3 2015.09[民104.09] |
頁 次 | 頁198-205 |
分類號 | 419.71 |
關鍵詞 | 角色功能; 長照十年計劃; 照顧管理; Role and function; Long term care decade; Care management; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 背景:「照顧管理專員」在照顧管理制度中扮演重要角色,可分擔家庭照顧責任。目前照顧管理專員的工作內容,扮演的角色與功能和照顧管理服務滿意度之相關研究仍有限。目的:探討照顧管理專員角色功能與照顧管理服務滿意度之相關性。方法:本研究為橫斷性研究設計,採方便取樣。由照顧管理專員核定服務,轉介至居家服務支援中心之154位主要照顧者為對象,使用照顧管理服務滿意度及照顧管理專員角色功能調查問卷,以電話訪談進行資料收集。結果:主要照顧者接受照顧服務越久,對照管專員專業能力滿意度就越高(r=.23, p<.01),對照顧管理中心整體滿意度也越高(r=.20, p=.02)。照顧管理專員服務品質與各項服務功能具顯著相關性(p<.05),唯「臨床╱直接照顧」功能相對缺乏,且與照顧管理中心服務滿意度無顯著相關(r=.10, p=.20)。結論:主要照顧者對照顧管理中心服務的整體滿意度高,顯示服務提供的可接受性高;照顧管理服務滿意度與照顧管理專員角色功能之實踐具顯著相關性,然而,現階段照顧管理專員角色功能仍以需求評估及服務連結為主,無法滿足有臨床照顧、心理支持需求的使用者。未來,應增加照顧管理專員人力配置,實踐跨專業團隊合作方式,提供多元化照顧服務模式,以落實全人照顧之目標,支持家庭照顧。 |
英文摘要 | Background: Care managers are responsible to implement care management systems and share caregiving responsibilities with the families of patients. However, few studies have examined the role and function of care managers or the satisfaction of primary caregivers with care management services. Purpose: To investigate the relationship between the role and function of care managers and to assess the satisfaction of primary caregivers with care management services. Method: This cross‐sectional study used convenience sampling to enroll 154 primary caregivers as participants. Care managers referred these caregivers to the researchers and all caregivers were currently engaged in home‐service programs. Telephone interviews were conducted to collect data using a structured questionnaire that was designed to assess the role and function of care managers and the satisfaction with the services provided by care management centers. Results: Perceived satisfaction with care managers related positively with length of service received (r=.23, p<.01) and with the specific long‐term care center (r=.20, p=.02). The role of the care managers affected the results of the effectiveness of care management services (p<.05). However, the function "clinical/direct care" was rarely mentioned by participants and did not significantly correlate with service satisfaction (r=.10, p=.20). Conclusion: The overall satisfaction of participants with the services provided by care management centers was high, suggesting that participants were highly satisfied with the current service offerings. Satisfaction with long‐term care center services correlated significantly with the role function of care managers. The main functions of care managers that were identified in the present study include: needs assessment and service links. Our findings highlight that care managers may fail to meet client needs with regard to clinical care and psychological support. Thus, in the future, it is necessary to increase care manager manpower, to implement diversified services, and to coordinate care with holistic care objectives in support of family care objectives. |