題 名 | 吳蔚《魚玄機》、《大唐遊俠》對古籍文本之承衍=The Inheritances and Transformations in Wu-way's Da-tang-you-xia and Yu-xuan-ji |
作 者 | 趙修霈; | 書刊名 | 東吳中文學報 |
卷 期 | 29 2015.05[民104.05] |
頁 次 | 頁267-295 |
分類號 | 823.8 |
關鍵詞 | 吳蔚; 大唐遊俠; 魚玄機; 歷史小說; 承衍; Wu-way; Da-tang-you-xia; Paladins in Tang Dynasty; Yu-xuan-ji; The famous nun in Tang dynasty; Historical fiction; Transformation; Inheritance; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 吳蔚的歷史推理小說《大唐遊俠》以唐德宗晚年至憲宗元和年間的中興圖治為時代背景,《魚玄機》則以唐懿宗咸通八年至九年間為背景;前者以宰相武元衡及裴度在上朝途中遭人刺殺事件為核心,由此展現當時蠻夷熾興、宦官奢僭、藩鎮不朝的局勢。後者為導向最後魚玄機被殺伏法而設計書中一連串的殺人辦案情節,並凸顯唐懿宗沒有一國之君的能力胸襟。兩書的情節重點皆在命案的發生及推斷兇手、作案過程上,但通過鋪排轉譯史傳、小說材料,展現吳蔚對歷史的權力爭鬥、角力牽制進行整體重新審視,並呈現出「既此亦彼」的歷史反諷效果。 |
英文摘要 | Wu-wei's Da-tang-you-xia and Yu-xuan-ji are both the historical and detective fictions. For a series of murders is the main content, the inference of the murderers and the crime process are the focus of the plot.However, the core of Da-tang-you-xia is a historical event which is the prime ministers in feudal China. Wu-yuan-heng and Pei-du were both assassinated in the way toward the royal court, and indicates the unauthorized barbarians, eunuchs and military governors at that time.Besides, Yu-xuan-ji arranges a series of murders to lead the last one which is the famous nun Yu-xuan-ji in the Tang Dynasty is carried out the death sentence. Little by little it reveals the emperor has no responsibility and ability. Therefore, besides detecting the murders, Da-tang-you-xia and Yu-xuan-ji highlight the review of the history and the struggle among the authorities, and make the readers to face and think again through the historical ironic effects. |