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題 名 | 溪頭地區柳杉長期樹高生長與胸徑-樹高曲線之研究=Study of Long-term Growth of Tree Height and Height-diameter Curve in Xitou Japanese Cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) Plantation |
作 者 | 鄭景鵬; 楊勝驛; 王亞男; 蔡明哲; 邱祈榮; | 書刊名 | 國立臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院實驗林研究報告 |
卷 期 | 28:1=283 2014.03[民103.03] |
頁 次 | 頁17-29 |
分類號 | 436.2 |
關鍵詞 | 理查梓生長模式; 樹高生長; 經驗式; 胸徑-樹高曲線; Empirical equation; Chapman-Richards growth function; Height growth; Height-diameter curve; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究應用Chapman-Richard生長模式與簡易的經驗式探討溪頭地區歷年柳杉樹高生長之趨勢與胸徑與樹高之關係。所有樣本林齡由5年生至102年生,含括歷年長期試驗地調查資料與現存柳杉。結果顯示,各林齡樹高分成下層木、中層木、上層木後,由Chapman-Richard生長模式預測值的95%信賴區間刪去不合理的偏低數據所預測的三層級林分樹高生長漸進線為31.9m、29.7m、25.9m,由生長表現較差的L層級推估高生長最早於54.8年生開始進入停滯。在胸徑與樹高生長隨年齡呈正相關的前提下,冪次方程式H=m×DBH^n的m、n參數與林齡具高度相關性,應用此特性能調整、內插、外推所需林齡的胸徑-樹高曲線,而m、n兩參數不規律變化亦反映出林分間微環境與生長變異的影響,尤其是樹高生長停滯、縮短的情況,或是連年的胸徑與樹高關係之間的變異太大時,則不適用此法。本研究所配置的樹高曲線主要適用於溪頭地區7至42年生之林分,而超過50年生以上柳杉林分僅供參考,建議仍需設置臨時樣區。 |
英文摘要 | This study aims to analyze trend growth of tree height and the relationship between DBH and H by applying Chapman-Richards growth function and simple empirical equation in Xitou Japanese Cedar Plantation. The total sample comprises long-term experiment plots' inventory and existing Japanese cedar plantation from 5 years to 102 years old. The results show that asymptote predicted value of three strata stands height are 31.9m, 29.7m, 25.9m, which has deleted implausible lower value according to predictive value of 95% confidence interval of Chapman-Richards model. Furthermore the stagnation period is starting with 54.8 years old by poor growth lower strata. In the premise of a positive correlation between DBH and H with age, power equation of parameters and forest age are highly correlated. The characteristics can calculate height-diameter curves required by applying adjust, interpolation, and extrapolation. And irregular change of m and n parameters also reflect the growth and influence of the microenvironment variation between stands in particular. Especially in the case of tree height growth stagnation, shortened or higher variation of the relationship between DBH and H annual, this method can't be applied. In this study, height-diameter curves mainly applied to 7-42 year-old stands at the study site, but not for more than 50-year-old cedar stands. Authors suggest setting temporary plots for further research. |