- 山區道路與小林村崩塌關係之探討
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題 名 | 山區道路與小林村崩塌關係之探討=A Study of the Relationship between the Road Development and Landslide in Xiaolin Village |
作 者 | 林昭遠; 藍欣茹; | 書刊名 | 水土保持學報 |
卷 期 | 47:1 2015.03[民104.03] |
頁 次 | 頁1287-1296 |
分類號 | 434.273 |
關鍵詞 | 崩塌; 常態化差異植生指標; 地形濕潤指數; Landslide; Normalized difference vegetation index; Topographic wetness index; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 2009年莫拉克颱風侵襲台灣地區,小林村東北側之獻肚山發生崩塌近500位居民喪生,山區道路柔腸寸斷。前人研究顯示,長延時、高強度降雨造成地質脆弱之獻肚山產生滑動,然而,鄰近具有相同環境的邊坡,並未產生同等規模災害,顯示仍有潛在因子影響著這個地區。本研究提出新的證據來解釋小林村崩塌之原因,透過圖資套疊,崩塌區位之道路密度相較於周遭未崩塌區位多,本地區道路里程密度高達4.21 km/km2,由此現象顯示,道路密度高較容易產生崩塌。本研究萃取小林村崩塌區位內之常態化差異植生指標(NDVI)及地形濕潤指數(TWI),探討道路沿線兩環境指標之變化,試圖找出山區道路與小林村崩塌之關係。研究結果顯示,崩塌區位內NDVI平均值大且標準差小之區位,所佔比例極高,表示本區土壤深度較深;而道路沿線則有多處TWI值較高,顯示道路沿線下邊坡有多處坑溝通過,乃高崩塌潛勢區位。由於暴雨期間,坡面逕流易被道路邊溝所截,一旦逕流量過大,便可能由道路轉彎處下移,沖刷邊坡坡腳,由此可知山區道路過度開闢是小林村受災關鍵因素。 |
英文摘要 | Hsien-Du-Shan, which located at the northeastern Xiaolin Village, collapsed during the hit of Typhoon Morakot in 2009. Many roads were completely damaged and about 500 residents were buried alive in the landslide. Previous studies found that the landslide occurred due to a long duration and high intensity rainfall couple with the property of fragile geology. However, the areas which are adjacent to the landslide and without failure also have the same situation. This means that there still exist some key factors which affect this disaster. This study provides a new evidence to explain the reason why Xiaolin Village destroyed by the typhoon event. Before the disaster, the road density which is up to 4.21 km/km2 in the failure areas is higher than without failure area. This shows that the landslide would be occurred easily by high road density. The composite index of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Terrain Wetness Index (TWI) was extracted along the road with a buffer width of 40m to indicate the road vulnerability and potential landslide. There occupied a high ratio of area which has the characteristics of large mean and low standard deviation of NDVI, this shows that a deep soil depth it might be. In addition, some sites with higher TWI along the roads depicts that several small gullies have developed at the downslope, which are vulnerable to high potential of landslide. It is presumably that during high return period rainfall events, the excessive drainage water could overflow the road side ditches at the sharp curve, which is likely to erode the slope toe and causes slope failure. Hence, the road development is one of the key factors which contribute to the catastrophic disaster of Xiaolin Village. |