題 名 | Assessment of Landslide Hazard Areas for Chichiawan Creek Watershed in Central Taiwan=臺灣中部七家灣溪集水區潛在崩塌危險地區之評定 |
作 者 | 胡蘇澄; 李麗玲; | 書刊名 | 臺灣林業科學 |
卷 期 | 13:4 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁271-277 |
分類號 | 436.124 |
關鍵詞 | 簡確法; 土地單元; 潛在崩山災害; 潛在崩塌危險區評定; 七家灣溪集水區; Simprecise method; Land unit; Landslide hazard; Landslide hazard area assessment; Chichiawan creek watershed; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 為建立森林集區水潛在崩塌危險地評定之方法與技術,台灣林地伐木作業及林道規 劃設計的重要指引,本研究選德基水庫上游七家灣溪集水區為對象,進行地質、地形、土壤 、植被、土地利用、崩塌地分布、林業經營及大型崩塌地等基本資料蒐集與整理,並利用地理 資訊系統 (GIS) 技術建立資料庫及進行資料處分析, 完成七家灣集水區之坡度等級分布、坡 向分布及各坡度等級之崩塌地面積與百分比。由分析結果發現,崩塌地發生於坡度等級第五 級 (45%) 以上為主, 其中第五級坡 (45- 100%) 及第六級坡 (>100) 內的崩塌地面積分別 佔崩塌總面積之 46.4% 及 45.2%; 再經採用簡確法評估七家灣溪集水區之潛在崩塌危險率 , 評估結果顯示, 七家灣溪集水區潛在崩塌危險率屬於高與極高二級者分別佔總面積之 63.24% 及 23.46%。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to develop a method for the assessment of landslide hazard areas in forest watersheds, in order to determine practical guidelines for logging activites and the alignment of road networks on forest lands in Taiwan. Basic data on geology, topography, soil, land use, landslide distributionl, and forest management of Chichiawan Creek watershed, upstream of the Derchi Reservoir watershed, were collected. An ARC/INFO Geographic Information System (GIC) database was populated with data on slope steepness class and slope aspect distribution, the landslide area, and the percentage area of each slope steepness class affected by landsliding. It was found that slope instability generally occurred on slopes steeper than 45%. This constituted 46.4% and 45.2% of the total landslide area in the 5th (45-100%) and 6th (>100%) slope steepness class, respectively. When rated using the Simprecise Method, this classifies 63.24% of the watershed into high hazard and 23.46% into very high hazard landslide zones. |