題 名 | 高齡使用者擴增實境互動導覽介面研究=Augmented Reality on Interactive Navigation Interface for Older Adults |
作 者 | 李傳房; | 書刊名 | 福祉科技與服務管理學刊 |
卷 期 | 2:3 2014.12[民103.12] |
頁 次 | 頁243-258 |
分類號 | 440.8 |
關鍵詞 | 高齡者; 互動導覽; 擴增實境; 服務設計; Older adult; Interactive navigation; Augmented reality; Service design; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 隨者高齡人口增加及科技的進步,以科技產品輔助高齡者已成為一種趨勢。導覽系統是高齡者在旅遊時非常重要的需求,因隨著高齡者的認知能力退化,會影響其尋路行為;而擴增實境的技術能以直覺的方式解決導覽的需求,十分適合高齡者使用。但擴增實境技術若沒有適當的互動介面設計,則可能使其效果不彰,因此探討如何滿足高齡者對於擴增實境導覽互動介面的需求為此研究的目的。主要研究內容為:(1)透過擴增實境介面深度認知線索,探討高齡者與年輕人在生理與認知上的差異;(2)高齡者在不同擴增實境介面資訊內容顯示型態的喜好度與接受度;(3)針對高齡者進行人因介面設計與服務概念設計提案,再透過設計工作坊的方式檢討與修正設計提案,以建構體驗式互動設計系統與其應用推廣。 |
英文摘要 | While new digital technology has ubiquitously embedded in the modern society, elderly faces tremendous challenge for adapting digital technology in daily life, especially the navigation system since most of digital technology is developed with younger generation in mind. An interactive traveling navigation system using augmented reality (AR) is developed in this research for addressing this issue. As the degeneration of elder’s cognitive ability, their way-finding efficiency is also decreased. Hence, cognitive studies as well as service scenarios are conducted to unleash the digital gaps between elderly and younger adults in terms of navigation activities. The studies is divided into three phrases: (1) Cognitive studies specially on elderly on AR interface usages such as depth cue; (2) The usability test on interaction behaviors as well as interviews on the presentation of AR interface for elderly; (3) Workshops are applied for exploring the usages of developing service scenarios of AR navigation system based on the usability test and interviews above. Several prototypes are implemented in the process to evaluate the scenarios and interfaces as well as usability test. |