題 名 | 桃園藻礁生態系經濟價值之評估=Economic Valuation of the Ecosystems of Algal Reefs in Taoyuan |
作 者 | 許舒涵; 曾偉君; 陳吉仲; | 書刊名 | 農業經濟叢刊 |
卷 期 | 20:1 2014.12[民103.12] |
頁 次 | 頁1-31 |
分類號 | 367 |
關鍵詞 | 藻礁; 條件評估法; 願付價值; Algal reefs; Contingent valuation method; Willingness to pay; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 隨著經濟活動的頻繁、人口的增加,加速了對生態環境的破壞,藻礁生態系亦因而面臨重大生存威脅。桃園藻礁生態系是全台灣面積最大的藻礁生態系,其生物多樣性支持了海域及陸域生態和社會經濟發展,且已於台灣存活數千年之久,為台灣西部海岸變遷的證據之一,具有相當高的存在價值。然而近年來許多沿岸工業區的汙染排放及大型的經濟開發案,加上大多數民眾對藻礁的陌生,造成藻類礁體的生態系統被破壞而降低其價值。本研究透過條件評估法,評估進行額外保育行動,以抵消人為破壞對桃園藻礁生態系所造成之衝擊,而使藻礁生態系的物種類及數量維持現狀的價值。由於藻礁生態系無交易市場,所以並沒有市場價格來反映其資源的經濟效益,因此需建立一個虛擬市場來評估其價值。詢價方式採用條件評估法之封閉式詢價法(close-ended bidding),並利用親自面訪的方式詢問受訪民眾,透過probit及logit模型,估計在藻礁生態系受人為破壞影響下,對於藻礁生態系保育及復育的願付價值。實証結果發現民眾願付價值介於新台幣463元至新台幣466元之間,而全台灣民眾之總願付價值介於新台幣50億503萬元至50億3,746萬元之間。此價值估計結果說明桃園藻礁生態系不僅物種豐富,具有多年的歷史,更為全國民眾共同擁有之珍貴資產。因此政府應擴大推廣藻礁生態系之知識及保育觀念,促使全國民眾更加愛惜這項生態資產,而使其受到良善的維護並永續存在。 |
英文摘要 | The ecosystems of Algal Reefs encounter great threat of existing due to accelerated destruction from increasing economic activities and increasing population. The ecosystems of the algal reefs in Taoyuan are the largest in Taiwan. Its biological diversity has supported the coastal ecology, land ecology, and social economic development. Meanwhile, it has existed for thousand years. The ecosystems of the algal reefs in Taoyuan have evidenced costal change of west Taiwan. It has high existing value. However, the value of the ecosystems has been reduced recently due to pollution from industrial areas, and destruction from economic development since people are not familiar with the algal reefs. This research evaluates the value of the ecosystems of the algal reefs in Taoyuan. A hypothetical market is used to elicit and evaluate economic benefits from this resource. We use contingent valuation method and a survey of close-ended questionnaire format which is made by face-to face interviews. We then use the probit and logit models to estimate the willingness to pay to recover the damaged ecosystem by manmade destruction. The empirical results indicate that the willingness to pay is ranged from 436 to 466 NTD per capita per year. It implies that the total economic value of the algal reefs in Taoyuan is around five billion NTD. This empirical finding proves that the ecosystems of the algal reefs in Taoyuan with a lot of species, and a long history, are of high-value for people in Taiwan. Therefore, the government can conserve it through promoting the knowledge of people about the algae reefs. People with comprehensive knowledge would protect it well and make it can survive in a sustainable manner. |