題 名 | 奧萬大森林遊樂區遊客付費意願分析--多指標多因子模式之應用=An Analysis of Visitors' Willingness-to-Pay in Au-Wan-Da Forest Recreation Area: The Application of Multiple Indicators and Multiple Causes Model |
作 者 | 王昭正; 陳益壯; 林建信; | 書刊名 | 農業經濟半年刊 |
卷 期 | 70 2001.12[民90.12] |
頁 次 | 頁91-115 |
分類號 | 436.7 |
關鍵詞 | 條件評估法; 多指標多因子模式; 美質效益; 願付價值; Contingent valuation method; Multiple indicators and multiple causes; Amenity effects; Willingness-to-pay; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 以自然資源為主要遊憩景觀之旅遊景點,常因淡旺季現象過於明顯,導致旅遊離尖峰問題,除對遊憩品質造成負面影響外,也間接衍生生態維護、資源永續使用與經營管理上的問題。本文以條件評估法為基礎,建構一多指標多因子估價模式,進行奧萬大楓香林美質效益之評估,經採用拔靴模擬法估算遊客之願付價值,結果顯示以淡季假日及旺季時段的額外支付意願最高。惟就資源永續使用而言,仍應搭配固定時段之休園政策,並強化遊客對森林保育觀念及其未來的使用價值。 |
英文摘要 | The significance of seasonal tourist changes is common to all natural resource parks. How to set the price for different seasons has been a major concern to outdoor recreaction sites, which affects not only recreactional quality provided but also issues such as eco-environmental maintenance, natural resource usage and operation management. In this study, a contingent valuation method (CVM) is applied in the case of Au-Wan-Da forest recreation area to estimate the value of tourists' willingness-to-pay. A Multiple Indicators and Multiple Causes model (MIMIC) was constructed to analyze its amenity effects. Furthermore, results from bootstrapping show that in the holidays of low seasons as well as the whole period of peak seasons, the price of tourists' willingness-to-pay is the highest. The findings also indicate that for resource continuing, one sould adapt the policy of annual closing time for the forest recreation area, and also educate the tourists the ideas of forests conservation and its future value of usage. |