題 名 | 德明學報論文(2000~2013)被引用分析=Analysis on the Being Cited of Takming University Journal |
作 者 | 殷向真; | 書刊名 | 德明學報 |
卷 期 | 38:1 2014.06[民103.06] |
頁 次 | 頁41-62 |
分類號 | 011.016 |
關鍵詞 | 引用; 自我引用; 學術評鑑; 臺灣社會科學引用索引; 臺灣人文學引用索引; 德明學報; Citation; Self-citation; Academic evaluation; TSSCI; THCI; Takming University Journal; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究追蹤德明學報自2000至2013年出版之論文,分析各篇論文被引用狀態,也分析作者自我引用情形。在樣本的271篇論文中,共44篇被引用,其中的18篇被期刊自我引用,29篇被其他期刊引用;被TSSCI期刊引用者共四篇:陳綾珊(2000)、林梅琴與黃佩娟(2000),以及二篇分別來自高雄第一科大與南台科大之教師。被引用次數最多者是陳銘慧(2001),共被引用五次,其中包含醫療院所主管熱門投稿之醫務管理期刊。然而,上述作者在德明學報僅發表一篇論文,呈現研究數量相對貧乏之表象。相對的,部分作者在德明學報發表超過十篇論文,扣除作者自我引用後,被其他期刊引用數量是零。在現行依據論文發表數量評量機制下,前述具體被引用者之績效,僅是後者績效之十分之一。因此,本研究呼籲德明學報申請列入THCI,冀求德明學報內容與引用紀錄得以輸入THCI資料庫,以呈現作者之被引用指標。 |
英文摘要 | This research reviews all papers published in the Takming University Journal from 2000 to 2013, focusing on the status of being cited and being self-cited by authors. The sample contains 271 papers, 44 of which were cited.Only 18 papers were cited in the original Journal, and 29 papers were cited in other journals. I found four papers that were cited by TSSCI papers, including Ling-Shan Chen (2000), Mei-Chin Lin and Pei-Chuan Huang (2000), and two others from NKFUST and STUST, respectively. In addition, Ming-Hui Chen (2001) was the most cited paper in other journals, having been cited five times, so far. The authors of these papers contributed just one paper in the Takming University Journal, a low figure from the perspective of academic evaluation. However, some authors published more than ten papers in the Takming University Journal, although none of their papers were cited by other journals, apart from being self-cited by the authors themselves. Authors of cited papers contribute to the academic circle, to the reputation of their institutes, and to the credibility of the Takming University Journal. This research advances the proposal that we should submit an application to the Ministry of Science and Technology for the inclusion of the Takming University Journal as a component of the THCI. Consequently, authors can benefit from the improved status of having their papers cited. |