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題 名 | 初級会話教育における日台接触場面のプログラム--「日本人に街頭インタビューする」の実践報告=初級會話教育的日臺接觸場面活動實踐報告--街頭訪問日本人、A Study of Japanese-Taiwanese Contact Situations for Basic Conversation-Based Education: Street Interviews with Japanese |
作 者 | 徐孟鈴; 吳明穗; | 書刊名 | 台灣日語教育學報 |
卷 期 | 21 2013.12[民102.12] |
頁 次 | 頁435-464 |
分類號 | 525.48031 |
關鍵詞 | 初級會話教育; 街頭訪談; 日台接觸場面; 合作學習; 問卷調查; 初級会話教育; 街頭インタビュー; 日台接触場面; 協同学習; アンケート調查; Collaborative learning; Questionnaire survey; Street interview; Basic conversation-based education; Japanese-Taiwanese contact situation; |
語 文 | 日文(Japanese) |
中文摘要 | 由於海外的日語學習者幾乎沒有機會接觸日語母語話者,因此筆者在會話課程架構中加入了“街頭訪問日本人”的活動。活動主要目的是爲了“讓學習者可以在教室外體驗日臺接觸場面,感受可以自力和日本人溝通的喜悦”。本論文的調査對象是101學年度下學期修讀“大一會話”的27名學生。活動分爲5個階段,費時一學期。教師將活動導入課程以後,在整體的實施過程中提供支援,但活動進行的細部過程全都由同學自主性的分組分工獨立完成。評價的方法分爲“教師的評價”以及“同儕相互評價”2部分,佔平常成績的15%。訪談活動結束後在問卷中,大多數同學在未來學習態度上呈現積極,對本活動亦給予了正面的評價。關於合作學習的部分則表示“同學間的感情變好了”等。不過,也有少數的學習者感受到挫折,這個問題是今後需要再檢討的部分。 |
英文摘要 | Because Japanese learners outside Japan almost have no chance to contact any Japanese native speaker, the author included the activity "street interviews with Japanese" activity in the conversation curriculum, for the purpose "allowing learners to experience Japanese-Taiwanese contact situations outside classrooms and feel the joy of being able to communicate with Japanese on their own". The survey subjects were 27 students taking the "conversation curriculum. The activity contained 5 phases. The time duration of the activity was one semester. Yet, the details of the activity were all done by the students voluntarily in groups on their own through teamwork. The score was based on "teacher's evaluation" and "peers' mutual evaluation", accounting for 15% of the regular grade. Most students had aggressive attitudes toward future learning and gave positive feedbacks for this activity according to the street interview questionnaires retrieved. One of the students' opinions on collaborative learning was that the classmates became closer. Yet, still a few learners felt frustrated. This issue needs to be further discussed in the future. |