- 教育主管機關對大學行政監督之界限
- 大學自治與法律保留--評臺北高等行政法院八十九年度訴字第一八三三號判決(世新大學二一退學處分案)
- 退學處分、大學自治與法律保留
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- 制度性保障之學術自由與大學自治權--最高行政法院九十一年度判字第三三四號及同院九十一年度判字第四六七號判決評釋
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題 名 | 教育主管機關對大學行政監督之界限=State Supervision over University and University Self-government |
作 者 | 吳志光; | 書刊名 | 世新法學 |
卷 期 | 8:1 2014.12[民103.12] |
頁 次 | 頁1-38 |
分類號 | 525.6 |
關鍵詞 | 大學自治; 法律保留; 行政監督; University self-government; Principle of legal reservation; State supervision; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 大法官解釋稱大學自治此一「制度性保障」係為大學之學術自由所設,並進一步指出:「在大學自治的範圍內,教育主管機關對各大學之運作僅屬於適法監督之地位、教育主管機關監督權之行使,應符合學術自由之保障及大學自治之尊重,不得增加法律所未規定限制」。但在實務運作上,「教育主管機關對大學行政監督之界限」卻也衍生以下本文所欲探討的問題:即教育主管機關對大學行政監督之手段為何?教育主管機關對大學行政監督究竟存在那些「過猶不及」的現象? |
英文摘要 | Freedom of teaching as provided for in Article 11 of the Constitution include “university self-government.” Any important matters related to the freedoms of instruction and study are subject items of university self-government. State supervision over universities shall be specifically authorized by statutes. Any such statutes shall be in conformity with the principle of university self-government. The Ministry of Education is merely in the position of exercising “supervision on legitimacy” over the operation of each university. When exercising such “supervision on legitimacy,” it is certain that the Ministry of Education should comply with the protection of academic freedom and the respect of university self-government and, therefore, should not add restrictions not provided by law. But in the practice, which following this article wants to discuss: Why namely the Ministry of Education to method of the State supervision over universities? The Ministry of Education actually has these to State supervision over universities “to go too far is as bad as not far enough” the phenomenon? |