題 名 | 線上學習平臺對學生提升英文能力之調查研究--以中部某科技大學學生為例=A Study of Improving Students' English Proficiency through E-learning--An Example of a University of Technology in Taiwan |
作 者 | 李敏智; 施浚龍; | 書刊名 | 東海大學圖書館館訊 |
卷 期 | 156 2014.09[民103.09] |
頁 次 | 頁71-100 |
分類號 | 524.38051 |
關鍵詞 | 網路學習平臺; 教學目標; 課程設計; 教材; 英文能力; Network learning platform; Teaching objectives; Curriculum design; Teaching materials; English proficiency; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 隨著英語文全球化的發展英語更發展為國際語言(EIL),英語文能力已成為國際職場必要的工具,加之國際間的經貿與文化交流日益頻繁,「全球化」已是臺灣必走的路。面對國際化生活趨勢與職場需求,卓越之外語能力為個人吸收新知識與順應時勢之生存必備能力之一。 技職院校為培育符應未來社會、職場與個人需求之專業人才,無不將外語表達與溝通能力列為課程改革與精進之目標。然而多年來,業界對於技職院校學生常有的刻板印象是:技能有餘而人文素養不足,其英文能力更是明顯落後於一般大學生,學生學習英語文動機及興趣也較薄弱,似乎無法跟上國內產業界追求全球化及國際化的腳步。因此,為因應此一強大世界潮流的衝擊及強烈的社會需求,深覺強化學生之英語能力已至刻不容緩的地步。 本校以教學目標、課程設計、及設計合適教材相互輔助配合,教師依學習者需求設計規劃符合其能力的外語學習目標,除了運用正規通識英文課程之外,持續搭配其他非學分課程,根據學生不同的英語程度幫助學生,使其更有效地提升外語能力。 考量本校學生特質及技職院校英語文教育之特性,除了正規必修通識英文課程之外,也持續實施網路課程輔導學生,針對各項課程或英文能力檢定之要求,借助網際網路無遠弗界之特性,增加補充教材及輔助課程,提供學生相關學習資源,提供模擬英文能檢定,幫助考取證照。100學年度第二學期及 101學年度第一學期,參與學生人數共 769人,開班前平均成績為 40.96,開班後平均成績為 45.78,進步平均成績為 4.82,顯示出非正式課程對學生提升英文能力有其助益。 |
英文摘要 | Nowadays, because of the globalization of English, English language has become English as international language which is a requirement for college students’ future career development. Non-English spoken countries view English as a second language instead of a foreign language. In order to enhance Taiwanese and our students’ competition in the world, we have adopted practical foreign language teaching strategies based on the education model of goal-directed and ability index. The strategies incorporate teaching goals, curriculum design, teaching material design with emphasis on the application of English in daily life. Non-formal curriculum includes: Network Learning Platforms and consulting services for learning foreign languages. We set up Network Learning Platforms that these students are low on learning English achievement. Students can learn English on every time and at every where. The total of participating students is 769. The average score is 40.96. Then after the courses, the participating students’ average score is 45.78. It means those participating students’ progress average score is 4.82. So, we can understand that Network Learning Platform is good for students to improve their English proficiency. |