題 名 | 從服務設計觀點探討「博物館服務」:以「國立臺灣文學館」為例=Enhancing Museum Service from the Perspective of Service Design: National Museum of Taiwan Literature's Case |
作 者 | 黃佳慧; 林芳穗; | 書刊名 | 設計學報 |
卷 期 | 19:2 2014.06[民103.06] |
頁 次 | 頁67-90 |
分類號 | 069.7 |
關鍵詞 | 服務設計; 博物館服務; 國立臺灣文學館; Service design; Museum service; NMTL; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 隨著經濟的發展,現代博物館面臨各種休閒活動及娛樂場所的競爭。為了永續經營,屬於非營利組織的博物館也需思考如何提供優質服務,讓參觀者滿意。然而,博物館如何透過服務設計發展積極的「服務」,並發展新形態的「博物館服務」,以提升觀眾滿意度。本研究以正在發展服務設計的「國立台灣文學館」為案例,以服務設計相關理論為基礎,透過深度訪談與參與觀察法了解該館進行服務設計的過 程及內涵,以建構「博物館服務藍圖」。當博物館的服務透過服務設計策略整合時,藉由博物館各項服務設計步驟的探討與理念,得以在實務中進行檢討與改進,使研究案例之服務流程朝向系統化、組織化的博物館服務策略;即透過完善的服務流程,達到整體博物館功能的提升。透過本研究瞭解並建構博物館的服務設計,並期待研究成果成為後續研究的基礎,作為未來增進博物館服務設計政策之依據與參考。 |
英文摘要 | With the economic development, today's museums are facing the competitions with all sorts of entertainment activities and venues. In order to sustain, the museums are figuring out how to provide better services and satisfy the visitors. But how would museums positively develop their services to enhance participants' satisfaction? This research utilizes the developing service design of National Museum of Taiwan Literature (NMTL) as the case study, along with the theoretical background of service design. Through in-depth interview and participant observation, the research seeks to understand the process and content of the museum's service design in hopes to establish a "museum service blueprint." As the museum services can be integrated through service design, as they use all explorations and ideas of service design steps, the museums are able to rectify and improve themselves through practice. This will make the service of the museum head toward a systematic and organizable museum service strategy. That is to say, through the well-planned service process, the function of museums is enhanced through services. Through the examination and construction of the service design, the research wishes to provide the results as the basis for future work or as the reference of museum service design policy. |