題 名 | 營隊式教育專業服務學習之設計、實踐與省思--以某科技大學為例=The Design, Practice, and Reflection of the Camp-style Service-learning--A Case Study of a University of Technology |
作 者 | 曾素秋; 林樹全; | 書刊名 | 朝陽人文社會學刊 |
卷 期 | 12:1 2014.06[民103.06] |
頁 次 | 頁145-189 |
分類號 | 522.4 |
關鍵詞 | 服務學習; 師資生; 營隊式服務學習; Camp-style service-learning; Pre-service teachers; Service-learning; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要透過發展師資生營隊式服務學習的模式,增進師資生教學實務以及輔導青少年的能力。研究目的包含:(一)敘述師資生營隊式教育專業服務學習課程設計與發展歷程。(二)探討營隊式服務學習對師資生之意義。(三)辦理營隊式服務學習後對師資職前教育的省思。 本文所稱營隊式服務學習,乃以100學年度之中學生(含國中生與高中職學生)為對象,於寒假辦理之營隊活動,活動為期3天,每日進行8小時營隊活動。辦理時間分別於101年1月15-18日,營隊參與人數102人。課程之設計與帶領,依據師資生之學科專長演繹,課程設計後,由研究者修正指導,再於正式活動中演練執行。 本次參與服務學習的師資生48人為當年度揚名科技大學(化名)二年級修習分科教材教法之師資生。由於研究場域的特殊性,本次參與服務的師資生當中,9名具有教學經驗的在職教師。參與學生未來任教科別,以幼兒保育科、英文科、商業管理群(科)、餐旅群科為主。 研究法包含:參與觀察、文件分析以及訪談等,蒐集師資生辦理營隊活動期間所有歷程資料,包含:教案、教具、會議記錄等,用以描述整個營隊活動的設計與實施。另針對參與的師資生進行訪談以及要求撰寫反思報告,省思、自陳方式瞭解服務學習對師資生的改變與影響。亦以研究者於營隊活動之設計與實踐歷程全程參與觀察,用於輔助詮釋服務學習對師資生的影響。 依據本研究之結果,提出以下結論與建議: (一)師資生課程設計與發展 : 本次營隊式服務學習課程發展的模式包含三個階段:1.決定課程主題。2.依據主題,各小組分別設計主題課程,因為成員的差異,課程發展的模式不同。3.主題課程以下課程執行,隨成員差異,亦有不同的合作模式。4.營隊課程發展傾向小組合作的協同教學模式,整合工作須加強,課程發展才具有統整性。 (二)營隊式服務學習對師資生之意義 : 營隊式服務學對師資生具有正面的效益,共有7大面向:1.有益於教師工作的職業試探。2.發展課程設計與教學能力,瞭解教學事件;3.發展師生關係經營與輔導能力,增進學生管理與師生互動技巧;4.涵養人文與社會關懷情操,體驗族群差異,關懷弱勢;5.發展專業倫理精神及態度;6.培養溝通協調與合作能力;7. 發展問題解決能力及活動執行力。 (三)服務學習後對師資職前教育的省思 : 透過營隊式服務學習,師資生初步具備省思、批判師資職前教育課程的能力。對師資培育課程的省思與建議,包含三大面向。1.重新省思師資職前教育課程之重點;2.師資培育應增加實地學習的機會;3.重視培養師資生思考、批判的能力。 |
英文摘要 | This study aims at enhancing pre-service teacher’s experiences and ability to consult adolescents through the development of a camp-style service-learning model. The purposes of this paper include: (1) the description of the pre-service teacher’s camp-style service-learning curriculum design and development process, (2) the implication of this camp-style service-learning, and (3) the reflection in the field of pre-service teacher after completing the camp-style service-learning . The camp-style service-learning stated in this paper takes high school students in the academic year of 2011 as their study subjects. The activity was held eight hours a day for three days consecutively during winter vacation. It started from Jan 15th to 18th in 2012, with 102 high school students in total. The design of the course is based on the expertise of the pre-service teachers and is directed by professional teachers before applying to the activities. There forty-eight pre-service teachers participating in this study are sophomore students who take instructional materials and methods course in Yangming University of Technology (a pseudonym). Due to a variety of expertise of the participants, there are nine pre-service teachers among the participants who are in-service teachers with actual teaching experiences. Their majors include early childhood nursery, English, business management, and hospitality management. The methods conducted in this study include observation, document analysis, and interviews. All the relevant data regarding the camp is collected, including lesson plans, teaching materials, and meeting minutes in order to record the design and practice of the whole camp activity. The pre-service teachers are asked to conduct interviews and compile reports in order to comprehend the possible changes and effects from the camp-style activity. Moreover, the design and practice of the camp activity will be reviewed to investigate the influence brought to the pre-service teachers. According to the results of this study, the conclusion and suggestions are drawn as below:(1)Pre-service teacher’s curriculum design and development, (2) The implication of this camp-style service-learning, (3) The reflection in the field of pre-service teacher after completing the camp-style service-learning. |