題 名 | 應用服務學習提昇職前教師教育專業能力之研究=Promoting Pre-Service Teachers' Educational Competence through Service-Learning |
作 者 | 曾素秋; | 書刊名 | 朝陽人文社會學刊 |
卷 期 | 8:1 2010.06[民99.06] |
頁 次 | 頁185-232 |
分類號 | 522.4 |
關鍵詞 | 服務學習; 師資培育; 職前教師; 師資生; Service learning; Teacher education; Pre-service teacher; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 服務學習在國外師資培育上之應用已行之多年,且頗具成效。許多報告證實服務學習有助於提高職前教師認知、技能與情意三領域之教育專業能力,本校屬於技職體系,與傳統師範院校相較,學生相對缺乏對學校環境文化之認識,想要培育職前教師教育專業,在師資職前訓練過程中應給予充分的實務經驗。本研究希望透過師資職前教育專業服務學習活動提升職前教師教育專業能力,也藉由研究,了解應用服務學習提昇職前教師教育專業能力之成效。 本研究以台中縣吉吉國小(化名)爲場域,以該校課後照顧班學生爲對象進行服務,實施內容包含課業輔導、繪本導讀、體能律動、創意美勞箏;研究部分採取質化的研究法,以訪談爲主反思報告爲輔,訪談對象爲97學年度第1學期參與吉吉國小服務學習之15名學生以及吉吉國小課後照顧班教師5名,依據訪談逐字稿及27份反思報告分析探討應用服務學習是否能有效提昇職前教師之教育專業能力。 資料分析結果發現,服務學習能有效提昇職前教師之教育專業能力,包含自我成長與生涯探索、教師教學知能、專業態度及社會責任與公民參與。 |
英文摘要 | Service learning has been incorporated into pre-service teachers programs overseas for many years. Many studies shows that implementation of service learning helped the pre-service teachers increase professional competence. This study aims to put service- learning into practice to promote the educational competence of pre-service teachers. In addition, this study was designed to explore the effects of service-learning on pre-service teachers' educational competence. This research adopts qualitative approaches to analyze data. The data includes the interview records of 15 pre-service teachers and 5 teachers who teaches in an elementary after-school care class. The data also includes 27 reflectional reports written by 15 pre-service teachers. The findings of this study are consistent with the previous literature. (1) Service-learning can promote the development of the pre-service teachers' competence and help them to explore the teachers' career. (2) Service-learning can promote the professional teaching competence of the pre-service teachers. (3) Service-learning can promote the professional attitude of the pre-service teachers. (4) Service-learning can make the pre-service teachers pay close attention to the responsibility of the social responsibility and the participation. |