題 名 | 元好問論詩絕句「心畫心聲總失真」另解=A New Interpretation of Yuan Haowen’s Quatrains of Poetry Reviews, “Literary Works Are Not Necessarily the Genuine Reflection of Authors’ Feelings and Thoughts ” |
作 者 | 凌超煌; | 書刊名 | 高應科大人文社會科學學報 |
卷 期 | 9:2 2012.12[民101.12] |
頁 次 | 頁23-32 |
分類號 | 821.257 |
關鍵詞 | 元好問; 潘岳; 論詩絕句; 心畫心聲; 閑居賦; Yuan Haowen; Pan Yue; Quatrains of poetry reviews; Works; Xian Ju Fu; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 前人對於元好問論詩絕句「心畫心聲總失真」,大多主張詩中表達了文如其人的觀點,並以此為基調而作出詮釋。然而筆者卻認為,原作顯示元好問對人、文不一現象感到疑惑,進而對文如其人之信念有所動搖。本文中首先運用字詞訓詁與傳記資料稽考,以分析原作所蘊藏之意旨與作者所遭遇之理論困境。其次借用布斯「隱含作者」觀念以作延伸討論,試圖探勘元氏理論困境的可能出路。繼而對照後期理論,以推測元氏之理論歸趨。最終根據以上之論述,為原作之意涵作出另一詮解。 |
英文摘要 | Most researchers think that Yuan Haowen expresses his belief “the style is the man” in his Quatrains of poetry reviews, “Literary Works Are Not Necessarily the Genuine Reflection of Authors’ Feelings and Thoughts.” Thus, their interpretations are based on this view. However, I think that Yuan Haowen was confused about the disagreement between writes and their works. Such confusion even caused him to doubt the belief, “the style is the man” in the original. In the article, first, I will use scholastic and biographical approaches to analyze the meaning and theoretical dilemma of the original. Next, I will base my discussion on Wayne C.Booth’s concept of “the implied author,” trying to find a possible solution to Yuan’s theoretical dilemma. Then, I will speculate Yuan’s theoretical trend by exploring his late-stage theories. Finally, I will conclude the article by giving a new interpretation of Yuan’s quatrain. |