題 名 | 國民小學融合式體育施行概況之敘事探究=A Narrative Inquiry to the Status Quo of Inclusive Adapted Physical Education in Elementary Schools |
作 者 | 陳理哲; 周宏室; 李文心; | 書刊名 | 臺灣體育學術研究 |
卷 期 | 53 2012.12[民101.12] |
頁 次 | 頁1-24 |
分類號 | 994.9 |
關鍵詞 | 融合教育; 回歸主流; 身心障礙學生; 適應體育; 訪談; Inclusion; Mainstream; Children with disabilities; Adapted physical education; Interview; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 目的:了解國民小學融合式體育之施行概況,另探討教師對回歸主流之看法、以及對實施融合式體育之意見。方法:採質性研究取向,並以訪談法做為資料蒐集策略,研究對象為任教於南投縣附設有不分類身心障礙資源班之國民小學的教育人員,其中包括4位行政人員和8位教師。結果:融合教育雖已在南投縣各地普遍實施之,也就是輕、中度的身心障礙學生大部分已經回歸普通班,但礙於學校結構及校園環境不允許、特殊教育資源和教師專業知能不足、一般生與特殊生及其家長的擔憂等,以致教師對此一教育政策之施行頗有微詞,不僅任教意願不高,教學過程亦屢屢面臨瓶頸。結論:若欲提升國民小學融合式體育之教學成效,除教師的自省惕厲之外,學校行政必須扮演中介者的角色功能,盡量滿足教師需求;教育主管當局亦要針對教師面臨的難題,研擬適當的解決策略,如此方能竟其全功,否則仍舊是緣木求魚。 |
英文摘要 | Purpose: The purpose of this study was to understand the performance of inclusive adapted physical education in Nantou County's elementary schools, and to discuss the opinions of teachers in those schools. Methods: This research adopted qualitative research with interviewing four school administrators and eight teachers. Results: Most of the Nantou County's elementary schools had adopted the mainstream concept; however many teachers showed their disaffection to the policy. They considered that school organization and the campus environment can not support such teaching, the special education resources and the teacher's professional abilities are not enough, and not to mention the great worry from parents of both normal and exceptional students. Hence the teaching willingness was low and the teaching process would be difficult. Conclusion: In order to improve the quality of inclusive adapted physical education, the educational authority must provide solution to solve these teacher's problems. |