題 名 | 從後九一一反恐戰爭到日本原爆:卡美拉.森絲《灼痕》中的政治、創傷與離散倫理=From the War on Terror to Atomic Bombing in Japan: Politics, Trauma, and Diasporic Ethics in Kamila Shamsie's Burnt Shadows |
作 者 | 廖培真; | 書刊名 | 英美文學評論 |
卷 期 | 21 2012.12[民101.12] |
頁 次 | 頁217-252 |
專 輯 | 正典之外 |
分類號 | 867 |
關鍵詞 | 創傷; 政治; 離散倫理; 灼痕; Trauma; Politics; Diasporic ethics; Burnt Shadows; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 卡美拉.森絲(Kamila Shamsie)是用英語寫作的巴基斯坦女作家。其最新出版的小說《灼痕》(Burnt Shadows, 2009)在藉由一位日本原爆受創的女人裕子(Hiroko)來敘述第二次世界大戰後美國帝國權力的興起、冷戰時的擴張、九一一的受創,以及反恐戰爭的反擊時,展現出作者呈現去歐美中心化、非官方敘述的創傷書寫的企圖。本文首先討論近來西方興起的創傷理論與分析中歐美中心化的問題,以及政治和權力在創傷再現過程中所扮演的角色。在正視這個問題下,接續討論《灼痕》中九一一創傷的遺忘,以及日本原爆、冷戰和後九一一反恐戰爭的關係,藉此探討森絲如何以多重創傷書寫跳脫歐美中心化的殖民框架,並在傾聽不同心創者的聲音的同時,關注不同創傷事件的特殊歷史、政治和社會文化背景。文章最後檢視主角裕子和其他人的離散經驗,思考戰爭和創傷後倫理的可能。 |
英文摘要 | Kamila Shamsie is a Pakistani woman writer who writes in English. In her recent English novel Burnt Shadows (2009), Shamsie powerfully demonstrates her ambition to provide a non-Euro-American-centric and non-official narrative through her trauma writing. In the novel, by following the journey of a traumatized Japanese woman named Hiroko, Shamsie represents the rise of the American power after World War II, its expansion during the Cold War, the American trauma on 9/11, and the War on Terror. This essay firstly discusses the problem of Euro-American-centrism in the mainstream trauma theories and investigates the role that politics and power play in the representations of trauma. The second section explores how, through her multiple-layered trauma writing of atomic bombing in Japan, the Cold War, 9/11, and the War on Terror, Shamsie provides a critique of Euro-American-centrism and attends to the history, politics, and culture of trauma. The final section of the essay examines Hiroko’s and other characters’ diasporic experiences in order to ponder on the possibility of ethics after the war and trauma. |