題 名 | 臺灣銀行業績效與董監事薪酬分析=Financial Performance and Director Remuneration Analysis on Taiwan's Banks |
作 者 | 彭開瓊; 趙宗明; 高幸滿; | 書刊名 | 健行學報 |
卷 期 | 33:2 2013.04[民102.04] |
頁 次 | 頁61-85 |
分類號 | 562.29 |
關鍵詞 | 財務績效; 董監薪酬; 肥貓捕貓器; 財務五力分析; ANOVA分析; Financial performance; Director remuneration; Fat cats; Financial five forces; ANOVA analysis; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文的研究目的有三,首先進行台灣地區銀行財務績效的探討,分析財務績 效高低組群間的差異;其次分析銀行董監事薪酬是否與其財務績效匹配,檢視金 融肥貓是否存在;最後利用財務績效與薪酬關係建構肥貓捕貓器,規範董監事薪 酬之合理範圍,提高財務績效與薪酬之間的關連性。 本文使用肥貓捕貓器(肥貓九宮格)瞭解各家銀行相對關係,以財務績效指 標為縱軸,以董監事薪酬大小為橫軸,分成高績效高酬勞區、中績效中酬勞區、 低績效低酬勞區的合理區,高績效低酬勞區的好貓區,高績效中報酬區與中績效 低報酬區的良貓區,低績效高報酬區的肥貓區,中績效高報酬區與低績效中報酬 區的胖貓區,其中肥貓為本文建議的管制區,胖貓為建議的警示區。本文發現財 務績效高群組的銀行在生產力、安定力與成長力三方面表現佳,財務績效低群組 的銀行的收益力、生產力與成長力三方面表現差,可知銀行要提升其財務績效需 優先從生產力與成長力兩方面著手。 以ANOVA 分析銀行董監事薪酬是否與其財務績效匹配,將2006~2008 年度 的樣本資料根據五力得分總和分成低績效、中績效與高績效等三類銀行,探討其 營運績效是否會影響其董監事薪酬。研究結果顯示無法拒絕需無假設,即銀行財 務績效好壞並不會影響銀行董監事薪酬的高低,因此低財務績效的銀行有可能領 取高董監事薪酬的情形發生。 |
英文摘要 | In this paper, the financial performances of banks in Taiwan and the remunerations of the boards of directors and the executives were objectively evaluated. There were three purposes: (1) studying the financial performances of banks in Taiwan, which were divided into three groups, respectively high-performance, medium-performance, and low-performance, and exploring strategies to increase the financial performances; (2) analyzing the remunerations of the boards of directors and the executives of banks in Taiwan and investigating the relationship between the remunerations and performances; (3) designing a fat-cat trap for banks in Taiwan and understanding if fat-cat boards of directors and executives exist for banks in Taiwan. A three-by-three performance-remuneration grid was established through the relationship between financial performances and the remunerations of the boards of directors and the executives in order to understand the relative performance of each bank and providing suggestions for leaving the fat-cat zone. The study finds that banks with high financial performances have better productivity, stability and growth. Banks with lower financial performances have worse profitability, stability and growth. It shows that banks with lower financial performances should improve their stability and growth. However, use ANOVA to test the relationship between compensations and financial performances. The result shows that the banks' financial performances will affect compensations of directors and supervisors. |