題 名 | 創造性舞蹈教學方案對於國小五年級學生創造力與人際溝通影響之研究=The Effects of Creative Dance Programs on the Creativity and Interpersonal Communication of the Fifth Graders |
作 者 | 馬嘉敏; 陳學志; 蔡麗華; | 書刊名 | 創造學刊 |
卷 期 | 1:1 2010.03[民99.03] |
頁 次 | 頁39-64 |
分類號 | 523.339945 |
關鍵詞 | 創造性舞蹈教學方案; 創造力; 人際溝通; 國小五年級學生; Creative dance programs; Creativity; Interpersonal communication; The fifth graders; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的在設計一套國小五年級學生之創造性舞蹈教學方案,並探討方案對學生創造認知、情意能力及人際溝通的效果。研究採不等組-前後測準實驗設計,以台北市快樂國小五年級學生為研究對象,實驗組和控制組各為25 人,實驗組接受為期8 週,每週2 節課(每節40 分鐘,共80 分鐘)的方案處理,控制組則未接受任何處理。研究工具以「威廉斯創造力測驗」、「行動和動作創造思考測驗」、「人際溝通量表」為量化評量資料。結果顯示,在認知能力方面,實驗組在「開放性」、「變通力」、「獨創力」、「精密力」、「標題」顯著高於控制組,在「流暢力」上則無顯著差異。在情意能力方面,實驗組在「挑戰性」顯著高於控制組,「冒險性」、「好奇性」、「想像力」則無顯著差異。在行動和動作創造思考測驗方面,實驗組在「流暢性」、「獨創性」、「想像力」顯著高於控制組。在人際溝通方面,實驗組在「自我表露」、「人際知覺」、「自我肯定」、「同理反應」、「全量表」顯著高於控制組。研究結果部分支持創造性舞蹈教學方案能提升五年級學生創造認知、情意能力及人際溝通。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to design Creative Dance Instruction Programs to investigate their effects of the programs on the fifth grade students’ creativity included cognitive ability and affective ability and interpersonal communication. The design of non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group, as quasi-experiment design was applied to the study. There were the fifth grade students from the happy elementary school in Taipei City participating in this study, 25 of the experience group, and 25 of the control group. Students in the experience group went through 16 section creative dance instruction programs for 8 weeks, 2 forty-minute section per week. Students in the control group didn’t accept any experimental training. The quantitative instruments utilized in order to examine the effects of this study were Creativity Assessment Packet, Thinking Creatively in Action and Movement and interpersonal communication. The results were presented as follows.The creative dance instruction programs could immediately improve the cognitive ability of the fifth grade students, included the aspects of “openness”, “flexibility”, “elaboration” and “title”, but couldn’t immediately improve the aspect of “fluency”. The creative dance instruction programs could immediately improve the affective ability of the fifth grade students, included the aspects of “complexity”, but couldn’t immediately improve the aspect of “risk taking”, “curiosity” and “imagination”. The creative dance instruction programs could immediately improve the Thinking Creatively in Action and Movement ability of the fifth grade students, included the aspects of “fluency”, “flexibility” and “imagination”. The creative dance instruction programs could immediately improve the interpersonal communication ability of the fifth grade students. Students in the experiment group took high evaluation toward Creative Dance Instruction Programs. They considered that the contents of the programs were interesting with creative productions and cooperation, which could train to listen to the opinions and to present body movement, could improve themselves of creativity and interpersonal communication. Based on the result of the studying, the researcher also discussed and provided concrete suggestion for future development of teaching for creative dance and researching. |