題 名 | 提昇居家老年病人用藥安全=Medication Safety among Elderly at Home |
作 者 | 王雅靜; 曾恩娣; 王美雰; 王淑敏; 韓慧美; | 書刊名 | 長期照護雜誌 |
卷 期 | 17:1 2013.05[民102.05] |
頁 次 | 頁41-56 |
分類號 | 418.1 |
關鍵詞 | 老人; 多重用藥; 病人安全; Elderly; Polypharmcy; Patient safety; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本專案為提昇老年病人居家多重用藥安全,單位65歲以上老年病人且長期使用慢性病居家用藥佔65.8%,核對入院時自家中服用之居家用藥剩餘藥物顆數正確性僅達54.9%。現況發現:(1)老年病人或主要照顧者用藥認知正確率67.6%;(2)老年病人或主要照顧者用藥取藥行為平均正確率62.2%;(3)護理人員執行老年病人出院用藥護理指導完整性73.2%。經專案擬定措施:(1)修訂護理人員執行出院用藥護理指導流程;(2)「建構病房常用藥物資料庫」提供護理人員執行出院用藥衛教;(3)制訂「老年病人出院用藥護照」提供個別性用藥衛教。專案執行後老年病人或主要照顧者出院用藥認知正確性由67.6%提昇為93.1%;取藥行為正確性由62.2%提昇為91.9%;護理人員執行老年病人出院用藥護理指導完整性由73.2%提昇為95.3%,達本專案之目的。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this project was to improve the safety of medication use among elderly at home. Over sixty percent (65.8%) of elderly patients had chronic illness and need long-term medication using in our ward. We found that the correctness rate of medication use in dosage and number of pill was only 54.9% during the admission checking. The reasons we found were as follow: 1) the rate of knowledge about medication use of elderly patients or their primary caregivers was only 67.6%, 2) the rate of appropriate behavior regard medication use of elderly patients or their primary caregivers was only 62.2%, and 3) the completeness of discharge planning about medication instruction by nursing staff was only 73.2%. The project was executed including: 1) revising the discharge planning process about medication instruction, 2) building up a databank of medication to help nursing staff in medication instruction, and 3) building up a ”passport of safety in medication use” to tailored the individual elderly patient's needs. After completion this project, the rate of knowledge about medication use of elderly patients or their primary caregivers was increased from 67.6% to 93.1%; the rate of appropriate behavior regard medication use was increased from 62.2% to 91.9%; and the completeness of discharge planning about medication instruction by nursing staff was increased from 73.2% to 95.3%. This project may improve the safety of medication use for elderly patients. |