題 名 | 高齡整合性門診藥師介入之成效=The Effectiveness of Integrated Geriatric Clinic in Reducing Polypharmacy Rate |
作 者 | 鍾慧; 楊凱翔; 楊瑛碧; | 書刊名 | 北市醫學雜誌 |
卷 期 | 11:2 2014.06[民103.06] |
頁 次 | 頁129-134 |
分類號 | 419.39 |
關鍵詞 | 老人整合性門診; 藥師; 多重用藥; Integrated geriatric clinic; Pharmacist; Polypharmacy; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 臺灣已經進入高齡化的社會,老年人常見多重慢性病共存,以及藥物使用品項多的現象屢見不鮮。方法:本次以某地區醫院整合性門診,民國98年5月至99年12月間資料,分析整合門診改善多重用藥的成效。結果:結果顯示於整合門診就診前,病患服用9種以上藥品的比例為38.4%,第一次就診後下降為23.2%,結案前更下降為18.2%,顯示透過整合門診團隊介入後,有助改善多重用藥的情況。結論:「整合性門診」的建立是為了提供以病人為中心服務模式,而藥師參與其中,提供完整藥事照護的服務,包含評估(assessment)、擬定治療方針(care plan)以及追蹤改善成效(follow-up),可協助醫療團隊為病患用藥安全把關,提升病患照顧品質。 |
英文摘要 | Taiwan has become an aging society. Coexisting of multiple chronic diseases and use of multiple drugs are common among the elderly patients. Methods: We collected patient data between May 2009 to December 2010 from an integrated geriatric clinic of a regional hospital. We analyzed the data to evaluate the effectiveness of the integrated geriatric clinic in reducing polypharmacy rate. Results: The result showed that, before visiting the integrated geriatric clinic, the rate of taking more than nine kinds of drugs was 38.4%. After the first visit, the polypharmacy rate dropped to 23.2%. At the end of the research period, the polypharmacy rate dropped to 18.2%. Conclusion: The purpose of the integrated geriatric clinic was to provide a patient-centered service model for the elderly patients. Involvement of pharmacists in assessment, care plan and follow-up of medications for the elderly patients ensures a safer drug use and elevates the quality of care. We concluded that intervention through the integrated geriatric clinic helps reduce the polypharmacy rate among the elderly patients. |