- Chinese Consumer Attitude towards Nutraceuticals
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題 名 | Chinese Consumer Attitude towards Nutraceuticals=大陸消費者對保健食品的態度 |
作 者 | 王天津; 許碩芳; | 書刊名 | 亞太經濟管理評論 |
卷 期 | 15:2 2012.03[民101.03] |
頁 次 | 頁1-19 |
分類號 | 496.34 |
關鍵詞 | 因素分析; 迴歸分析; 態度衡量表; 消費者使用意願; 保健食品; Factor analysis; Regression analysis; Attitude scale; Willingness to use; Nutraceuticals; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 研究顯示,當一國公民的人均年收入達到8,000美元時,人們會較關心自己的身體健康。北京與上海市民的收入已於2009年超越此門檻。本研究為了使廠商更了解大陸之保健食品產業,故希望於本研究中(1)探討並縮減預測消費者使用保健食品意願之態度衡量表,並同時運用因素分析與迴歸分析增加變數對總變異的解釋能力,(2)了解大陸人民對於保健食品之偏好與消費習慣。本研究共發出268份問卷,收回有效問卷216份。態度衡量表上的態度陳述於運用因素分析後可分為四個構面,分別為「使用保健食品之預期報酬」、「視保健食品為健康飲食的一部分」、「保健食品之功效」與「保健食品之必要性」。四個構面均對預測消費者之使用意願有顯著的影響,但最佳之預測構面會因產品所宣稱之功效不同而有所差異,顯示消費者並沒有將不同功效之保健食品歸類為同一種產品。本研究建議之態度衡量表為測試市場之良好工具,但必須注意的是,不同功效之產品須被單獨測試才會有較佳的成效。 |
英文摘要 | Once the average income per capita reaches $8,000 US, citizens will pay more attention to their bodily health Beijing and Shanghai have reached this threshold in 2009. In order to provide insight for manufactures trying to enter this industry in China, this study proposes to (1) explore and further fine-tune the attitude scale that measures the willingness of consumers to purchase nutraceuticals while improving the percent variance explained by applying factor analysis and regression analysis and (2) understand the nutraceutical consuming preferences and purchasing habits of Chinese consumers.268 questionnaires were distributed and collected with only 216 of them valid. The statements on the attitude scale loaded onto four dimensions, perceived reward from using nutraceuticals, part of a healthy diet, efficacy of nutraceuticals, and necessity of nutraceuticals. The results showed that all four dimensions of the attitude scale affected consumer willingness to use nutraceuticals while the best predictors vary for products with different health claims, which indicates that consumers do not view nutraceuticals as a homogeneous group. The attitude scale is great for market testing, but each product category should be tested independently. |