題 名 | 論國軍推行募兵制人力素質提升--以人力資源發展觀點分析=On Improving Manpower Quality with the All Volunteered System: Human Resource Development |
作 者 | 葛惠敏; | 書刊名 | 國防雜誌 |
卷 期 | 27:5 2012.09[民101.09] |
頁 次 | 頁124-139 |
分類號 | 591.6 |
關鍵詞 | 募兵制; 人力資源發展; 教育; 訓練; 職涯發展; 組織發展; All volunteered system; Human resource development; HRD; Education; Training; Career development; Organizational development; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 摘要 國軍擘劃2014年完成「募兵制」,所著重的就是質重於量、質取代量的人力資源運作。人才是提升競爭力的關鍵,人的素質也被視為最要的資產。基此,本文以人力資源發展所著重「育才」的觀念下,就「增強人的能力」、「透過能力增強以提高生產效能」和「借重產能提高以提升生活品質」三種活動交替循環,並就教育/訓練、職涯發展與組織發展三項「人力資源發展」(HRD)核心主軸提出具體建議。期藉由個人至國軍組織的整體效能提升,以達成建構「量小、質精、戰力強」的軍隊及發揮「小而精、小而強、小而巧」現代化武力的國軍組織發展目標。 |
英文摘要 | Abstract The R.O.C. Armed Forces will start its Volunteered Force Program in 2014. This human resource program focuses on human quality rather than quantity to create a highly professional military force. The human capital is a key to improve competitiveness. Therefore, human quality has been regarded as a critical asset. Based on the concept that human resource development should focus on talent development, the study will explore three key themes—improving human ability, increasing productivity with better human ability, and upgrading living quality with stronger productivity—to provide useful recommendations on three core development components, namely, training/education, career development and organizational development. By doing so, it is expected to build a streamlined, quality and capable military force and a sophisticated, sharp and smart modern defense organization. |