題 名 | 乳癌病友與伴侶表達性藝術治療親密關係工作坊滿意度調查=Expressive Arts Therapy Workshop for Couples: The Overall Satisfaction on Breast Cancer Patients and Partner |
作 者 | 賴念華; 王文欽; 林葳婕; | 書刊名 | 臺灣藝術治療學刊 |
卷 期 | 3:1 2011.06[民100.06] |
頁 次 | 頁23-44 |
分類號 | 418.986、418.986 |
關鍵詞 | 乳癌病友; 表達性藝術治療; 親密關係; Breast cancer patients; Expressive arts therapy; Couple relationship; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要目的是調查乳癌病友參與「表達性藝術治療親密關係工作坊」後之整體滿意度。成 員為來自全台之乳癌病友及配偶,共58 人。在兩天一夜住宿型工作坊後,填答「滿意程度調查問卷」, 結果發現94%的成員在夫妻關係相處與溝通上獲益;96%成員更加愛惜自我;96%成員對自身家屬 志工服務技巧有幫助;98%成員認為工作坊有助於紓解自我壓抑情緒;94%成員想再參加。分析開 放式問卷內容亦發現,成員滿意工作坊進行,且提及:(一)領導者專業帶領具成效;(二)增進成員自 我認識及覺察力;(三)增進成員表達與抒發平日難以述說的痛苦;(四)伴侶相互理解、溝通,對病友 產生支持;(五)普同感帶出工作坊後的實踐力。最後,成員提出對本工作坊建議:(一)需增加對未來 生活的探討;(二)活動設計需注意身體限制的變項。 |
英文摘要 | This article presents the overall satisfaction of an expressive arts therapy workshop for breast cancer patients and their spouses. The workshop was organized as an overnight retreat led by four experienced psychodrama directors who have received more than 800 hours of certified training. Workshop members consisted of 29 breast cancer patients and their spouses, all of whom are Taiwanese nationals. Starting with action sociometry and music, the workshop first warmed up participants by getting group members to know each other and to establish a sense of social support, security and trust. The leaders then used sociodrama to play up breast cancer-related issues. By drama acting, relevant discussion was guided by the leaders to promote the couples on their knowledge on cancer diagnosis and treatments. This also introduced open communication between the couples about body image and sex-related issues. Finally, the couples were guided to co-create pictures of “a beautiful life” and concretize their own art work by acting, thus enhancing spousal mutual support and the capability and skills of collaborative responses. After the workshop, a survey was given on-site to evaluate the overall satisfaction, the transformation in spousal relationship, and whether the members acquired new psychological and social skills to adapt a new life. The questionnaire was self-administered and consisted of 16 questions, including five 5-point scale questions, eight yes/no questions, one 3-point scale question and one open question. After descriptive statistic analysis and validation by chi square test, we concluded that: 94% of the members felt the workshop is beneficial to the interaction and communication in their relationships; 96% of the members learned to love oneself more; 96% of the members found it useful for voluntary work with patients’ families; 98% of the members considered the workshop helpful in relieving their suppressed emotions; and 94% of the members would like to again attend such a workshop. From the contents in answer to the open questions of the questionnaire, we found that members were satisfied with the program of the workshop. It is also mentioned that: i) leaders were highly professional and therapeutic; ii) the self-recognition and self-awareness of the members themselves had been improved; iii) the workshop helped members to express their pains which were difficult to let out under normal circumstances; iv) patients felt more supported by the mutual understanding and communication with their spouses; v) a sense of universality introduced at the workshop will be exerted in daily life. Lastly, the members provided feedbacks and suggested that i) discussion about future prospects is desired; ii) activities that may remind one of her physical limitations should be designed sparingly and with caution. |