題 名 | 大專院校學生體育課興趣選項學習態度與學習滿意度之相關研究--以壁球運動為例=The Study on the Learning Attitudes and Satisfaction for Students during a Squash Course |
作 者 | 林百也; 黃長發; 李貞; | 書刊名 | 健康與照顧科學學刊 |
卷 期 | 1:1 2012.02[民101.02] |
頁 次 | 頁145-161 |
分類號 | 525.3993 |
關鍵詞 | 體育課; 壁球運動; 學習態度; 學習滿意度; Physical education; Squash; Learning attitude; Learning satisfaction; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 目的:本研究主要目的在探討大專院校體育課壁球運動學生學習態度與學習滿意度之間 的相關情形,以提供學校規劃課程的參考。方法:使用問卷調查法蒐集資料,測量工具包括 「體育課學習態度量表」及「學習滿意度量表」,共發出問卷500 份,回收有效問卷406 份, 有效問卷回收率達80%,所得資料以獨立樣本t 考驗、單因子變異數及皮爾森積差相關進行 分析。結果:一、學生體育課壁球項目在學習態度上,男生顯著高於女生,而就讀不同學群 的學生並無顯著差異。二、學生體育課壁球項目在學習滿意度上,男生和女生之間無顯著差 異,而就讀不同學群的學生有無顯著差異,且工學群與商管學群顯著高於健康學群。三、學 生體育課壁球項目的學習態度與學習滿意度之間有顯著的正相關。結論:研究結果發現,學 生有良好的學習態度,必能提高學生的學習滿意度感受,而獲得較高的學習成效,此結果可 提供體育課程規劃的參考。 |
英文摘要 | This study explores the relation between students learning attitude and learning satisfaction of college PE elective course selection in squash. The goal of this research provides a reference for college PE course planning. Methods: Using questionnaire to collect data, and the measurement tools includes physical learning attitude scale and learning satisfaction scale. Total of 500 questionnaires and 406 valid questionnaires were returned, and the effective response rate was above 80%. The data was analyzed in use t-test, AVOVA and Pearson's correlation. Results: 1. Learning attitude in the squash physical education, male students were significantly higher than female students but there is no significant difference between different faculties. 2. Learning satisfaction in the squash physical education, the male and female students were no difference, but engineering faculties and business management faculties were significantly higher than healthy faculties. 3. Learning in the squash physical education, between learning attitude and learning satisfaction, students have a significant moderate level positive correlation. Conclusion: The students choose squash courses have good learning attitudes which drive their satisfaction of learning to eventually achieve the higher standard of learning purpose. |