- The Many Faces of Cinderella: Book Reviews from Multicultural Perspectives
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題 名 | The Many Faces of Cinderella: Book Reviews from Multicultural Perspectives=從多文化角度檢視各種版本的「灰姑娘」故事 |
作 者 | 李筱倩; | 書刊名 | 國立臺中技術學院通識教育學報 |
卷 期 | 5 2011.12[民100.12] |
頁 次 | 頁39-56 |
分類號 | 011.94、011.94 |
關鍵詞 | 書摘; 兒童文學; 英語繪本; 多元文化; 灰姑娘故事; Book review; Children's Literature; English picture book; Multiculturalism; Cinderella story; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 近年來從多元文化的角度剖析兒童與青少年文學已蔚為一股重要的風潮,學者專家認知到當討論文學作品時,讀者需能賞析作品背後所具備的文化涵養,如此才能充分領略文學作品中所蘊涵之文化特色及情意。在本書評中作者檢視了不同文化背景下所傳頌的灰姑娘故事,文中不但討論了各故事版本的情節、比較了各個文化背景中灰姑娘的異同,尤其特別剖析了各故事中所蘊含的文化特色。作者以「讀者反應理論」的角度撰寫此文,在詳盡地檢視各個灰姑娘故事中的重要元素後,本文最後亦列出了一份各版本的精簡對照表,以供兒童文學愛好者參考。 |
英文摘要 | Reviewing children’s and adolescent literature through a multicultural perspective has become an important approach in recent years. Scholars have come to realize that when discussing a literary work, readers should appreciate its cultural significance as well as its literary potential in order to fully appreciate the work’s cultural aesthetics. In this book review, I examined the diversity amongst various versions of the Cinderella story set against differing cultural backgrounds. I discussed the different plots of the stories, compared and contrasted the various Cinderella figures and the other supporting characters, and most importantly, indentified the cultural contexts embedded in the stories. A Reader Response theory was the stance I adopted when reviewing the texts. After thoroughly examining the major elements presented in the Cinderella variants, I compiled a brief yet handy list of comparison for other children literature’s lovers, which is presented at the end of the paper. |