題 名 | 論朱澤澐《朱子聖學考略》對「朱陸異同論」的文獻探析=Analyzing the Similarities and the Differences between Chu Hsi and Lu Chiu-Yuan Regarding "Chu-tzu-sheng-hsueh-kao-lueh" |
作 者 | 游騰達; | 書刊名 | 東華漢學 |
卷 期 | 14 2011.12[民100.12] |
頁 次 | 頁109-147 |
分類號 | 125.5 |
關鍵詞 | 朱陸異同論; 道一編; 朱子晚年定論; 學蔀通辨; 朱子聖學考略; Chu Lu Yi Tung Lun; Chu Tzu Wan Nian Ding Lun; Tao Yi Pien; Hsueh Pu Tung Pien; Chu Tzu Sheng Hsueh Kao Lueh; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 「朱陸異同論」是中國學術史上一歷久未衰且眾說紛紜的學術公案,其中要者有主朱、陸「始異終同」說的程篁墩;編撰《朱子晚年定論》,主張朱子晚年另有一番悔悟的王陽明;以及力斥前二先生而倡朱、陸「早同晚異」說的陳清瀾等人。本文即透過探討清代儒者朱止泉《朱子聖學考略》一書對此諸說的省察與修正,審視彼等三人的論點與論據,歸納出程、王兩人所引證的文獻材料不僅於年代考證上有失,且彼所欲彰顯的「朱子自悔支離」一論旨,其論據亦有錯解文義之嫌,所以其說難以成立。而陳清瀾提出的朱子四十歲前耽溺佛學,專求一心,棄絕讀書,同於象山;中年猶未免私嗜之,對象山是疑信相半;晚年始鳴鼓攻之,兩人異若冰炭的說法,亦不被止泉認可。止泉辨析朱子中年多有批駁象山之語,故言疑、言信俱不可;且朱子自師從延平之後便知棄佛返儒,非遲至四十歲;至於其舉證朱、陸「早同」與悔悟習佛之失等文獻,若檢證其他相關書信,尤其是朱子對「中和」問題的相關討論,當可另作他解,所以陳清瀾之說也值得商榷。由此一考察進而可見「朱陸異同論」促成了朱子書信的考證研究以及學思歷程的探究等工作,這是該爭議超越門戶之見以外的歷史價值與學術史意義。 |
英文摘要 | The dispute on the similarities and differences between Chu Hsi and Lu Chiu-Yuan has always been a critical issue in the history of Chinese philosophy and the opinions are widely divided.Among which, the discourses of Cheng Min-Cheng, Wang Yang-Ming and Chen Chien are particularly significant.Grounded in Chu Tse-Yun's "Chu-tzu-sheng-hsueh-kao-lueh" this essay examines the three scholars' opinions and concludes that Cheng Min-Cheng's and Wang Yang-Ming's citations are not only anachronistic but also have flaws in textual interpretation. As for Chen Chien's documents, some related letters reveal that his opinions are somehow inaccurate.This essay discovers that this dispute contributes to academic exploration into Chu Hsi's letters and ideas. Therefore, the dispute can be viewed as valuable in Chinese history and philosophical development. |