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題 名 | 競技啦啦隊之集體效能、動機氣候與團隊效能的關係=Relationship among Collective-Efficacy, Motivational Climate and Team Effectiveness in Cheerleading Teams |
作 者 | 高三福; 呂雲梅; 顏肇廷; 林子群; | 書刊名 | 大專體育學刊 |
卷 期 | 13:4 2011.12[民100.12] |
頁 次 | 頁398-407 |
分類號 | 528.928 |
關鍵詞 | 競技啦啦隊; 團隊表現; 運動團隊; 滿意度; Team performances; Sports team; Satisfactions; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的在探討競技啦啦隊選手的集體效能、動機氣候與團隊效能的關係。以95學年度中等學校啦啦隊錦標賽,高中甲級混合組和全女組的選手為研究對象。參賽隊伍共12隊,全部隊伍皆施測。問卷施測共發出248份,回收248份,剔除無效問卷54份,有效問卷為194份,有效問卷率為78%。本研究在賽前施測,研究測量包括集體效能、運動動機氣候及滿意度。研究資料以階層迴歸分析,結果發現:集體效能正向的預測滿意度,精熟氣候正向預測滿意度,表現氣候負向預測滿意度,集體效能與精熟氣候的交互效果能顯著預測教練滿意度,集體效能與表現氣候的交互效果能顯著預測團隊滿意度。在精熟氣候,隨著集體效能的升高,啦啦隊選手會知覺到較高的教練滿意度;其中,低精熟氣候的選手知覺的教練滿意度有明顯提升。在表現氣候,隨著集體效能的升高,啦啦隊選手知覺到較高的團隊滿意度;其中,高表現氣候的選手知覺的團隊滿意度有明顯的提升。本研究結論:對競技啦啦隊的運動員而言,集體效能雖能提升滿意度,但在精熟氣候與表現氣候下,集體效能會有不同程度的影響效果。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among collective-efficacy, motivational climate and team effectiveness in cheerleading teams. The participants of this study were athletes, who joined in the 2006 High School Cheerleading Championship in Taiwan. Athletes included mixed-gender group and all-female group for the A-level senior high school players. Two hundred and forty-eight questionnaires were given and all returned from the 12 teams. Out of them, 194 were considered as valid questionnaires (valid rate 78%), and 54 were invalid questionnaires. The instrument was survey before the final game, and collective-efficacy, Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire, and satisfactions were measured. The data were analysis by hierarchical regression. The results showed that collective-efficacy and mastery climate were positively predicted satisfactions, and performance climate negatively predicted satisfactions. The interaction of collective-efficacy and mastery climate were significantly predicted satisfactions with coach. The interaction of collective-efficacy and performance climate predicted satisfactions were significant with team. The results of interaction effects showed that in mastery climate, athletes perceived high satisfactions with coach were also perceived high collectiveefficacy. The athletes, who perceived low mastery climate, had a strong positive relationship between satisfaction and collective-efficacy. In performance climate, athletes perceived high satisfactions with team were also perceived high collective-efficacy. The athletes, who perceived high performance climate, had a strong positive relationship between satisfaction and collective-efficacy. These results conclude that collective-efficacy could enhance cheerleading athletes' satisfactions, however, the enhancement was changed under the mastery climate and performance climate. |