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題 名 | 散布性交易訊息刑罰化合憲否=Constitutional Issue about the Penalty of Spreading Messages of the Sexual Transaction |
作 者 | 謝秉錡; | 書刊名 | 真理財經法學 |
卷 期 | 3 2009.09[民98.09] |
頁 次 | 頁129-173 |
分類號 | 548.13、548.13 |
關鍵詞 | 大法官釋字第623號解釋; 兒童及少年性交易防制條例第29條; 散布性交易訊息; 色情言論; 兒童色情; 危險犯; 刑事立法界限; To spread messages of the sexual transaction; Pornography; Child pornography; Potential damager offence; Limits of criminal legislation; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 大法官會議作出釋字六二三號解釋,對於兒童及少年性交易防制條例第二十九條作出了「合憲性解釋」,限縮條文的適用範圍。但該解釋文理由並非無討論空間,第一問題在於「性交易訊息」是屬於「商業言論」或「色情言論」即有討論空間。第二問題在於自兒少法第二十九條之體系以觀,屬於「危險犯」,但「危險犯」在刑事立法理論中,有其特定要件,兒少法第二十九條有無符合「危險犯」之立法模式,即為本文所探討重點。本文先說明「散布性交易訊息」並非如釋字六二三解釋所認定為「商業性言論」,而應該是「色情言論」。而色情言論在我國的立法管制模式中可分為「猥褻言論管制」及「猥褻定義以外之色情言論管制」,與「兒童色情言論管制」。兒少法第二十九條之「散布性交易言論」是「兒童色情言論」,但非屬「猥褻言論」。是不是應該以刑罰來控制即有疑義。有別於一般學說在探索本議題時,認為「罪刑不相當」,本文認為該條文結構根本不符合「危險犯」之立法理由,本文也援引法務部與司法院相關統計資料說明,違犯該罪之人,均受輕罰,顯見檢察官與法官也不認為這是重大犯罪,所以本文認為該條文的立法與「除罪化」之刑事政策有違。 |
英文摘要 | Council of Grand Justice had made Interpretation No.623, regards Article 29, Child and Youth Sexual Transaction Prevention Act as constitutionality , meanwhile limiting the scope of the application of this provision. However, this interpretation is double as a result of two following reasons. First, the issue in the legal definition of messages of the sexual transaction should be considered as “Commercial Speech” or “pornography” is controversial. Second , analyzing the system of Article 29, Child and Youth Sexual Transaction Prevention Act will obtain the conclusion that this provision is classified with the concept of the potential damager offence. Nevertheless, amongst theories of the criminal legislation, rules of the potential damager offence must exist special premises. This research illustrates whether the legal system of Article 29, Child and Youth Sexual Transaction Prevention Act fits in with the legislating pattern of the potential damager offence. Above all, this literature explains the legal definition of spreading messages of the sexual transaction is “pornography”instead of “commercial speech” as well as Interpretation No.623 acknowledges. Furthermore, the legal controlling models about pornography can be categorized as “the type of governing obscenity”, ”the type of governing pornography except obscenity”, and “ the type of governing child pornography”. The legal definition of spreading messages of the sexual transaction , ruled in Article 29, Child and Youth Sexual transaction Prevention Act belongs to the meaning of the child pornography , but not obscenity. Thence, it is doubtable to rule such speech through criminal penalty. This literature considers that the legal structure of the provision does not correspond with the legislating reasons of the potential damager offence, which distinguishes from other papers , that regard as the violation of the basic principal of proportionality of punishment, during researching this issue. This article also show related statistical studies from Ministry of Justice and Judicial Yuan, to illustrate people against such clause , with a slap on the wrist. We can get the conclusion from these data that prosecutors as well as Justices do not recognize such misconduct as serious crimes, so, this points of this literature regards the legislation of the clause against the criminal policy of decriminalization. |