題 名 | 網際網路上兒童色情資訊規範之回顧與檢討(1999∼2002)--一個由兒童人權出發的觀點=Regulation of Child Pornography on the Internet (1999∼2002)--A Review from the Children's Rights Perspective |
作 者 | 高玉泉; | 書刊名 | 國立中正大學法學集刊 |
卷 期 | 11 2003.04[民92.04] |
頁 次 | 頁3-62 |
分類號 | 547.51 |
關鍵詞 | 兒童色情; 網際網路; 兒童及少年性交易防制條例; 兒童最佳利益; 猥褻資訊; 兒童性剝削; 兒童性虐待; Child pornography; Internet; The law to suppress sexual transactions involving children and juvenile; Best interests of the child; Obscene material; Child sexual exploitation; Child sexual abuse; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 網路上之兒童色情問題已成為現今「後網路時代」(post-internet period)國際社會及各國政府最須嚴峻面對的議題之一。過去4年,國際社會及英美二園就此議題皆有重大之發展。國際法部分,國際社會為打擊兒童色情而召開多次的官方及非官方會議,並逐漸形成共識。美國法律之重點則在於處罰合成兒童色情圖片的合憲性問題上,而美國聯邦最高法院亦因此作成重要之判決。英國法制方面則在於兒童色情處罰的構成要件及量刑問題。本文之目的,除敘述上述三者之發展外,並從兒童人權保護的觀點,針對我國法制的立(修)法情況及執行層面作一深入分析及評價。 |
英文摘要 | Child pornography on the internet has become a new and ,serious form of child sexual exploitation. In the past four years, ,international society has tried hard to curb this epidemic, and ,various resolutions and consensus have been reached. In the United ,States, the issue of whether prohibition on virtual child ,pornography violates freedom of speech has been settled by the ,Supreme Court and later the Congress. In the United Kingdom, the ,problem is related to the sentencing of the offense involving child ,pornography. This essay discusses the development of the laws ,regarding the regulation of child pornography on the internet in ,international society, the United States as well as the United ,Kingdom. In addition, Taiwan's relevant laws enforcement efforts ,are also reviewed. |