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題 名 | 華麗島看中國:日治時期臺灣公學校歷史、地理科的支那意象=The Image of China in Taiwan's History and Geography Textbooks under Japanese Rule |
作 者 | 陳慧先; | 書刊名 | 臺灣文獻 |
卷 期 | 62:3 2011.09[民100.09] |
頁 次 | 頁93-124 |
專 輯 | 日治臺灣與中華民國(1912~1945) |
分類號 | 520.9208 |
關鍵詞 | 日本殖民統治; 臺灣公學校; 歷史教科書; 地理教科書; 中國意象; 支那; Japanese colonial rule; Elementary schools in colonial Taiwan; History textbooks; Geography textbooks; The image of China; Shina; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文透過公學校的歷史與地理教科書,探討日本統治時代小學的史.地教育如何呈現中國。由於當時的教科書多以「支那」指稱中國,文中也特別說明有關日本統治時代「支那」一詞的使用。 歷史教科書描述的中國主要是「文化的中國」,內容以清代之前的中、日交流為主,有關中華民國建國後的敘述較少;長期來看,教科書的內容變化較小,除部分刪減外,階段性的差異不大。地理教科書呈現的中國則為當時的「現代中國」;其內容有明顯的階段性的變化,初期的版本只有局部的中國,到1924年教科書改版後「中華民國」才以完整國家的形象出現,而在1940年代的地理教科書裡,中國則是大東亞共榮圈下的中國。 整體來說,在當時公學校的歷史與地理教科書裡,不管是在哪一個時期,「中國」都是教科書裡著墨最多的「外國」。就實際的內容來看,日本統治時代史.地教科書的敘述幾乎很少批評中國,教學現場老師們的教學方向,或許才是造成當時學生對中國抱持負面觀感的重要原因。 |
英文摘要 | This article aims to reconstruct how China was represented in Japanese colonial education in Taiwan, through analyzing the content of history and geography textbooks used in the elementary schools during that period. Since the textbooks during Japanese colonial rule used“Shina”to designate China, this article also presents how and why the word was used. The image of China was portrayed as“Cultural China”in the history textbooks. The relations between China and Japan before Qing Dynasty were emphasized, whereas the narration of Republic of China was marginal. In the long term, the content of history textbooks had not changed a lot. On the contrary, changes in geography textbooks were more significant, and the image of China was portrayed as“Contemporary China”. In the earlier version, China was introduced partly. Not until 1924 did the Republic of China appear as a whole country in the textbooks. And in the textbooks of 1940s, China was included in the Greater East Asia Co–Prosperity Sphere. Generally speaking, either in history or in geography textbooks, China was described at greatest length among all foreign countries. In fact, the textbooks analyzed seldom criticize China. Accordingly, it might be the teachers’ orientation that affected children’s negative perception about China during that time. |