- 先進高效率燃煤發電技術
- 壓力式流體化床複循環(PFBC)發電技術
- 各型煤炭燃料電廠移除二氧化碳之探討
- 循環式流體化床和粉煤鍋爐汽電共生系統之監控
- 新世紀潔淨能源技術之發展願景--從淨煤技術到多重燃料系統之整合應用
- 型塑低碳社會--高效率先進發電技術與溫室氣體排放減量
- 先進發電技術與二氧化碳排放減量
- Simulation of a Continuous Fluidized Bed Crystallizer--Perfect Classified Crystallizer Model
- 厭氧流體化床之生物膜顆粒層次模型及代謝活性試驗
- The Optimal Hydrodynamic Design of a Three-Phase Draft-Tube Fluidized Bed with an Orthogonal Array
題 名 | 先進高效率燃煤發電技術=An Introduction to Advanced Technologies of High Efficiency Coal-Fired Power Plant |
作 者 | 紀宗成; 林大惠; | 書刊名 | 前瞻科技與管理 |
卷 期 | 1:2 2011.11[民100.11] |
頁 次 | 頁55-66 |
分類號 | 448.14 |
關鍵詞 | 超臨界發電; 純氧燃燒; 氣化複循環; 流體化床; 汽電共生系統; Supercritical; Oxy-fuel; IGCC; Fluidized bed; Cogeneration; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 電能是目前最方便使用的能源形式,國內電力來源主要藉由燃燒化石燃料獲得,但依照目前發電技術來說,無論工業部門、住商部門、交通部門如何提高能源(電能)使用效率,對於化石燃料使用效率提升是相當有限的,因為國內現階段的傳統燃煤電廠效率透過各種操作條件最佳化與熱回收,其極限亦很難超過40%,意即目前的化石燃料光是經過燃燒產生熱能在轉換成電能的過程中,就有超過60%的能源是以廢熱的形式浪費掉並排放至大氣中,故提升電廠效率是提高能源使用效率的主要途徑。本文針對1.超臨界發電、2.純氧燃燒、3.氣化複循環、4.流體化床、5.汽電共生系統等技術進行相關資料整理,並就效率、特色及發展關鍵進行綜合比較。 |
英文摘要 | Nowadays, electricity is considered the most convenient source of energy. Electric power mainly produced from fossil fuel combustion in Taiwan. Almost all of coal-fired power plants are sub-critical power plants with efficiency no higher than 40%, even if the operational conditions were optimized and had well heat recovered. Therefore, no matter how the energy utilization on industrial, residential and transportation sectors were improved, there is 60% energy lost as waste heat from given input already. Developing novel high efficiency technologies for coal-fired power plants is the most effective method to reduce fossil fuel consumption. This study aims at literature reviews and makes comparison between 1. Supercritical Technology, 2. Oxy-fuel Combustion, 3. Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle, 4. Fluidized Bed Combustion, 5. Cogeneration System. |