題 名 | 臺灣資訊管理學術單位學術期刊論文發表狀況=Journal Publications of MIS Departments in Taiwan |
作 者 | 賴香菊; 黃三益; 梁定澎; 洪新原; 吳祥麟; | 書刊名 | 資訊管理學報 |
卷 期 | 18:3 2011.07[民100.07] |
頁 次 | 頁175-196 |
分類號 | 494.8 |
關鍵詞 | 資訊管理; 期刊發表; 學術生產力; 研究評鑑; 學術成果; Information management; Journal publications; Academic productivity; Research evaluations; Research performance; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 國科會社會科學研究中心過去曾委託調查國內各資管系所在1995年至2000年間的學術論文發表狀況。事隔八年之後,系所數目與教師人數均大幅成長(到2009年時已近120個系所),加上學術研究日益受到重視,論文發表也跟著大幅成長。因此,本研究針對國內各資管系所在2001至2008年間在SCIE/SSCI及TSSCI相關學術期刊上的學術論文發表狀況,進行後續的調查研究。調查結果發現,這八年來,國內資管學界的學術論文發表總數量以超線性方式逐年成長,其中SCIE期刊論文佔了約75%,SSCI和TSSCI論文合計約佔25%。另外,前30名的學校在SCIE部分,囊括了近80%的論文發表數,而在SSCI及TSSCI部分,則囊括了近90%的論文發表數,甚至幾乎有40%的論文發表是集中在前五名的學校。再者,在英文資管核心期刊的發表,前30名的學校論文發表數佔全部的65.86%,而中文核心期刊更是由前30名學校囊括了90%以上。顯示國內資管學術單位逐漸可區分成研究型和實務型,然而資管頂尖期刊的發表數量仍然不多,如何提升在頂尖期刊的發表,則是未來有待努力的方向。 |
英文摘要 | In 2001, a research was conducted to examine the research productivity of MIS departments in Taiwan during the period of 1995-2000. Since then, the numbers of MIS departments and faculty members have grown tremendously. The number of MIS departments has reached almost 120 in 2009. Academic research has also gained much attention. Therefore, it is useful to update the productivity information after the previous report. In this study, we adopted a similar approach to investigate the productivity of the information systems and management area as a whole and individual MIS department in Taiwan during the period of 2001-2008 by counting research papers published in SCIE/SSCI and TSSCI journals.The Results indicate that there is a clear increasing trend in the total number of published papers in the study period. Overall, 75% of the papers were published in SCIE journals and 25% of them were published in SSCI and TSSCI journals. In terms of departmental productivity, we observe a trend of centrality. The top 30 departments published 80% of the SCIE papers and 90% of the SSCI and TSSCI papers. In fact, the top five departments published around 40% of the SSCI and TSSCI papers. If we look at the core journal publication, the top 30 departments published 65% of the SCIE and SSCI papers and more than 90% of TSSCI papers. These findings show that the foci of the MIS departments in Taiwan are probably divided into research and practice. We also find that the top-tier international journal publications are very few. How to increase research quality in order to publish them in top-tier international journals is a challenge in the future. |