題 名 | 照顧一位舌癌病患之安寧療護經驗=The Experience of Hospice Palliative Care for a Patient with Tongue Cancer |
作 者 | 劉家玉; 林淑芬; | 書刊名 | 若瑟醫護雜誌 |
卷 期 | 5:1 2011.05[民100.05] |
頁 次 | 頁56-67 |
分類號 | 419.77 |
關鍵詞 | 舌癌; 惡性蕈狀傷口; 死亡恐懼; 安寧療護; Tongue cancer; Malignant fungating wound; Fear of death; Hospice palliative nursing; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文是描述一位舌癌末期的病人,在面臨癌症所帶來的症狀困擾與心靈問題時之護理經驗,護理期間自民國97年5月9日至97年5月22日,藉由觀察、筆談、實際護理等方式與個案互動來收集資料,發現個案主要護理問題有:皮膚完整性受損、疼痛、恐懼、靈性困擾等。護理過程中,運用舒適照顧技巧和安寧照護理念以全人、全程、全家、全隊方式,協助個案維持身體需求及身心的舒適,減低個案因惡性蕈狀傷口所造成的惡臭、疼痛以及疾病惡化所產生的恐懼;進而給予身、心、靈的照護,提升個案生活品質及降低死亡恐懼,並協助、陪伴個案完成最後心願。 |
英文摘要 | This article is to describe the nursing experience of caring a tongue cancer patient who suffered from the troubles of his symptoms and his spiritual problems. The nursing care period was from May 9th to May 22th in 2008. The data was collected via observation, communication by writing, practical nursing and interaction with the patient, and we found the major nursing problems are the skin integrity, pain, fear, spiritual trouble. During the nursing process, we used the comfortable care skills and palliative nursing concepts in the way of whole-person, the whole journey, family, and team to assist the patient to maintain the need and comfort of his body and mind, and to palliate the fears which were brovught from foul odor and pain of the malignant fungating wound and disease progression. Furthermore, the patient could obtain good care of his body and mind, improve his life quality, reduce his fear of death, and then we also help and accompany the patient to finish his last will. |