- 某大學護生對死亡態度之探討
- 安寧療護課程對護生死亡恐懼與態度之影響
- 安寧療護課程對二專在職班護生死亡恐懼與態度之影響
- 不同學制護生的死亡恐懼與態度之比較
- Analysis of the Nursing Competence of Senior Nursing Students
- 臺灣地區中部某醫專護生基技考試情境焦慮之探討
- 某護專日夜二專學生實習壓力探討
- 臺灣地區男性護理人力之供給與分佈之調查研究
- 保護生態環境水路工法之研究
- Professional Nursing Values and Program Satisfaction of Baccalaureate Senior Nursing Students in the United States and Taiwan
題 名 | 某大學護生對死亡態度之探討=A Study of Attitude Toward Death among the Nursing Students in a University |
作 者 | 高淑芬; 洪麗玲; 邱珮怡; | 書刊名 | 長庚護理 |
卷 期 | 9:4=24 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁20-30 |
分類號 | 419.63 |
關鍵詞 | 護生; 死亡恐懼; 照顧瀕死病人經驗態度; Nursing student; Fear of death; Experience of caring for dying patient; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究為一描述性研究,主要目的在探討護生之死亡死懼、照顧瀕死病人態度, 並瞭解影響死亡恐懼、照顧瀕死病人態度之影響因素。針對某大學 59 位護理系學生選修安 寧照護課程前進行護生對死亡態度的調查。採用之研究工具包括「死亡死懼量表」、「照顧 瀕死病人經驗態度量表」。資料統計方法為次數分配、平均值、標準差之描述、單因子變異 分析及 t 檢定。 研究結果顯示:(1) 護生之死亡恐懼:以對「他人死亡之恐懼」最高,「 死懼自己死亡」最低。(2) 照顧瀕死病人態度:以「接觸瀕死病人」及「專業性挑戰」之態 度較正向,而在「談論死亡」及「個人滿足感」之態度較負向。(3) 大學四年級及在職班三 年級之護生在照顧瀕死病人態度上具有顯著差異。本研究結果可作為未來設計護生安寧照護 或死亡教育課程內容之參考,並可促進護理教師重視護生面對死亡態度,以協助護生能建立 積極、正向之死亡態度。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this descriptive study were to investigate and explore the influencing factors of the attitudes toward death and caring for the dying patients among nursing students. Before the proceeding of the hospice care course, fifty-nine nursing students participated in a survey study. Two self-administered instruments were used for data collection: the Collett-Lester Fear of Death Scale and the Health Care Professionals' Experiences with and Attitudes Toward Death and Dying. The data were analyzed by using frequency, mean, one-wayb ANOVA, and t-test. The results of the study were as the following:(1)For the mean score of the four dimensions related to fear of death, nursing students had the highest mean score on the "fear of death of others" and the lowest one on the "fear of death of self" (2)For the attitudes toward caring for dying patients, nursing students had more positive attitude toward the "touching dying patients" and "professional challenge". The students exhibited more negative attitudes toward "talking about death" and "personal satisfaction" with regard to caring for dying patients. (3)There was a significant difference between the fourth grade of nursing students and the third grade of working registered nurse in baccalaureate program in the attitude toward caring for dying patients. The findings of this study can be applied to design the nursing courses on hospice care or death. Implications of the findings can draw nursing teachers' attention to the attitude of nursing students toward death so to assist the students to a positive attitude of death. |