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- 何炳棣《明清社會史論》譯註:〈第四章 向下流動 〉
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題 名 | 何炳棣《明清社會史論》譯註:〈第四章 向下流動 〉=Annotated Chinese Translation of Ping-ti Ho's The Ladder of Success in Imperial China: Aspects of Social Mobility, 1368~1911, Chapter Ⅳ, "Downward Mobility" |
作 者 | 徐泓; | 書刊名 | 東吳歷史學報 |
卷 期 | 24 2010.12[民99.12] |
頁 次 | 頁149-197 |
分類號 | 628.75 |
關鍵詞 | 社會意識形態; 社會階層; 社會地位; 社會流動; 向上流動; 向下流動; 科舉; Social ideology; Social stratification; Social status; Social mobility; Upward mobility; Downward mobility; Chinese civil service examination; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 何炳棣院士所撰《明清社會史論》,根據了一萬四五千明清進士、兩萬多晚清舉人和貢生的三代履歷以及大量多樣史料,討論明清「社會流動」(social mobility)。近半世紀以來,爲中國史研究、社會史研究與東亞史研究及社會科學界譽爲劃時代之經典鉅著;已有意大利文及日文本問世,但至今未有中譯本刊行,實爲一大憾事。泓徵得何炳棣院士同意,取得該書翻譯權。翻譯時,一一查對何教授引用之原始文獻,還原於譯文之中,若有出入則以〈譯者注〉與〈譯者按〉的形式說明。由於這本書出版已四十六年,此期間有不少相關文獻與研究論著出版,與何教授對話;對於不同的意見及補強或修正的文獻資料,也要以〈譯者注〉與〈譯者按〉的形式說明。由於何教授徵引之資料,有許多不見於臺灣的圖書館,均一一向何院士請教。力求復原何院士引用之原典,是本翻譯工作不同於其他文字譯本之處。本次發表者爲第四章,依據的底本是1967年第二版《明清社會史論》第四章〈向下流動〉 (Ho Ping-ti. The Ladder of Success in Imperial China: Aspects of Social Mobility, 1368-1911. New York and London: Columbia University Press, 1967. Chapter IV. "Downward Mobility.")。 |
英文摘要 | In 1962, Professor Ping-ti Ho published his book on Chinese civil service examination and social mobility, The Ladder of Success in Imperial China: Aspects of Social Mobility, 1368-1911. This is a first-class contribution to the subject of social mobility in traditional China. It has almost exhausted the existing data which may be treated statistically and which bears on the subject through the family background of members of the elite class in that society. As his primary source, he uses lists of holders of economic degrees which, according to Chinese law, include each candidate's ancestry for three generations. He also makes use of other sources, such as government statutes, certain local history, biographies, genealogies, and some works of contemporary observers. This book is a classic for all of the students of Chinese Studies and social sciences in past 46 years. It has been translated into Italian and Japanese since its publication. Yet, the most wanted Chinese version of this book has not published. Therefore, with Professor Ho's blessing, I translated The Ladder of Success in Imperial China: Aspects of Social Mobility, 1368-1911 into Chinese with connoted notes. Here is the Chinese translation of the fourth chapter, "Downward Mobility." |