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題 名 | 交通行政罰救濟審判權隸屬的研究:以鑑定為例=To Study the Jurisdiction of Administrative Penalty in Traffic Field: Take the Identification for Example |
作 者 | 許育典; 陳碧玉; | 書刊名 | 東吳法律學報 |
卷 期 | 22:1 2010.07[民99.07] |
頁 次 | 頁159-190 |
分類號 | 588.13 |
關鍵詞 | 交通行政罰; 審判權; 鑑定; 立法形成自由; Administrative penalty in traffic field; Jurisdiction; Identification; Legislative discretion; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 過去,由於我國公法體制的不完備,道路交通管理處罰條例因而將交通行政罰的審判權劃歸普通法院管轄,嗣後更受到大法官的肯認。但是,在我國行政訴訟法大幅修正後,如此的劃分是否還有存在的價值?其適用又會產生何種的困境?都是本文亟欲探究的問題。尤其在法規極度缺乏的情況下,交通行政罰的審判委由實務的自行運作,形成極度混亂的現況,久而久之,人民對法制的預見可能性,也受到挑戰。因此,本文試圖以鑑定為例,去探討現行法下交通行政罰審判權隸屬普通法院的困境。期待透過現行實務運作的分析與檢討,進一步說明交通行政罰審判權隸屬普通法院的混亂。最後經由法解釋和立法層面的建議,讓我國法制特有的爭議-交通行政罰的審判權隸屬,未來能有一定的依循方向。 |
英文摘要 | In the past, owing to the deficient public law system in Taiwan, the jurisdiction of administrative penalty in traffic field is subordinate to the common law courts by Statute Governing Road Traffic. And it is confirmed via the Interpretation by the Grand Justice Meeting of the Judiciary. But when Administrative Procedural Law was amended in 1998, the scheme is there still valuable? Is there any problem while is applying this law? The purpose of this article is to solve these problems. Particularly the lack of laws results in a state of chaos. As time passes, people foresee the possibility of judgments will be impossible. For that reason, the article takes the identification for example to study the dilemma of jurisdiction about administrative penalties in traffic field. Above all, the article looks forward to analyzing and reviewing cases in practice in order to make some suggestions about the jurisdiction of administrative penalty in traffic field. |