- 常見老年症候群--跌倒
- Quantitative Assessment of Balance in Elderly Fallers and Nonfallers
- 獨居老人跌倒情形、步態、居家環境及身體功能評估
- A Reliability Study of Modified Functional Reach Test
- Number and Characteristics of Falls in Older Adults-Differences in Recall by a Bi-monthly Telephone Survey and a Personal Interview
- 髖骨骨折跌倒相關特性及其對老人影響之研究
- 臺灣中部某鄉村社區老人跌倒之危險因子
- A Prospective Study of Falls in Institutionalized Elderly People
- 協助老年個案跌倒後恢復活動能力的居家照護經驗
- 跌倒對社區老人健康生活品質的影響