題 名 | 論頻譜「稀有資源」的管制原則=Regulatory Principles of Spectrum Allocation--Scarce Resources? |
作 者 | 彭心儀; | 書刊名 | 臺北大學法學論叢 |
卷 期 | 75 2010.09[民99.09] |
頁 次 | 頁211-256 |
分類號 | 557.711 |
關鍵詞 | 頻譜; 稀有資源; 電信; 通訊傳播法; 匯流; Spectrum; Scarce resources; Telecommunications; Communications law; Convergence; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文之主要目的在於探討頻譜之管制議題。在傳統電信或傳播領域中,「頻譜稀有論」爲高密度管制架構的論述核心。長久以來,電信監理機關對於電信產業所須使用的頻譜採取高密度管制,究其底層最主要之正當化理由爲這些資源是稀少的、不足以供給所有的使用需求,故應高度管制、以追求公共利益。司法院大法官於15年前做成的釋字第364號解釋文中提到,國家應對電波頻率之使用爲公平合理之分配。近年來,諸多學者提出「頻譜資源並非真正稀有」的看法,並認爲科技發展已挑戰以稀有性作爲管制理由的正當性。 電信自由化之目標在於去除非必要之管制。在釋照方面,如何利用「競標制」並設計合理的拍賣制度以實現頻譜分配公平原則,甚至修改預算法第94條頻譜釋出以公開拍賣爲原則的規定,均爲亟待思考的議題。在交易方面,以「法律」禁止頻譜交易似與提高頻譜資源使用效率的概念相違。在干擾方面,交由使用者雙方自由協商彼此可接受之干擾標準,或能更有效率且彈性地處理干擾問題,發揮頻譜價值,實現「和諧不干擾」的原則。在變動的技術條件與產業結構下,以「頻譜稀有論」爲中心的管制思維及其追求目標的手段必須不斷地修正。值此重新建構頻譜法制的關鍵階段,實應調整管制模式與規範思維,俾促進頻譜的多元近用,發揮通訊傳播稀有資源的價值。 |
英文摘要 | This article focuses on the regulation of the use of the electromagnetic spectrum. The most critical question that this article raises is whether spectrum is still hard to come by, or maybe the scarcity days are long gone and in fact, today, spectrum is not scarce? Traditionally radio spectrum was allocated and managed centrally at national regulatory level. Regulators decided both the allocation and assignment of spectrum. The heavy regulation of the use of the spectrum has been ongoing. The underlying concept-the concept of ”scarce resources” as expressed in the Interpretation of Council of Grand Justices No 364, however, has not changed fundamentally over these past years. Spectrum liberalization aims at removing unnecessary restrictions on the use of spectrum that has been allocated under the Telecommunications Law. This article investigates the questions of to what circumstances the flexibility for the use of frequency should be allowed. Auctions are likely to lead to maximize efficient use of spectrum, however, it is important that auctions are carefully designed and managed. The author therefore argues that Article 94 of the Budget Law needs to be amended. In addition, the permissibility of spectrum trading is also a fundamental aspect of opening up the spectrum market by enabling market forces to influence the development of spectrum-based services. Moreover, the success of a spectrum management regime requires more detailed consideration of interference mechanisms and further analysis on harmonization. In any event, spectrum is a vital input to electronic communication services and networks. The NCC's primary statutory duty is to ensure the optimal use of the radio spectrum in the interests of consumers. It is essential that the regulatory regime for spectrum is able to respond to changes in technological development. |