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題 名 | 上古語氣詞「與」「邪」新探--以出土文獻為主的論述=A New Investigation of the Sentence-Final Particles Yu and Ye in Ancient Chinese Based on Excavated Documents |
作 者 | 巫雪如; | 書刊名 | 臺大中文學報 |
卷 期 | 32 2010.06[民99.06] |
頁 次 | 頁79-81+83-117 |
分類號 | 802.632 |
關鍵詞 | 語氣詞; 與; 歟; 邪; 耶; 出土文獻; Sentence-final particles; Yu; Ye; Excavated documents; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 上古語氣詞「與(歟)」、「邪(耶)」的關係及異同歷來學者有許多不同的意見,本文根據近年出土的簡帛文獻,從戰國文字一字異形及先秦文本傳抄過程的角度重新探討這個問題。本文的結論是,先秦傳世文獻中的「與」和「邪」在戰國時期實際上是同一個字的不同異體,西漢以後「與」「邪」的分化只是先秦文本由戰國到西漢不同字形的傳寫結果。根據這個結論,先秦傳世文獻中的「與」和「邪」記錄的其實是同一個語氣詞,因此部分學者對二者用法所作的區別實際上是不存在的。本文最後結合出土文獻的文本內容、戰國文字的地域特徵以及先秦文本的流傳情況,探討先秦傳世文獻中「與」「邪」分布的規律及其歷時演變。 |
英文摘要 | The question of the relation between the sentence-final particles yu (與/歟) and ye (邪/耶) has attracted great attention from scholars and incited considerable controversy. On the basis of recently excavated documents, this thesis reconsiders yu and ye by examining variation in character forms during the Warring States period and the textual transmission prior to the Qin. The conclusion is that during the Pre-Qin period, yu and ye were variant graphic forms representing the same word. Owing to the transcription of the texts from the Pre-Qin to the Western Han Dynasty, variant forms came to be written as different characters and thus regarded as distinct words. According to the conclusion above, yu and ye in the documents handed down for generations represent the same particle, thus the distinctions some scholars make between two words yu and ye is illusory. Finally, this thesis integrates the content of excavated documents, the local graphic features of characters of the Warring States period, and the spread of the texts in Pre-Qin period so as to investigate the patterns of the distribution of yu and ye in the documents handed down from the Pre-Qin period and the diachronic development of this family of characters. |