- The Thickness of Hard Palatal Mucosa and Its Associated Factors in Taiwanese
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題 名 | The Thickness of Hard Palatal Mucosa and Its Associated Factors in Taiwanese=臺灣人的硬顎區黏膜厚度與相關因子之研究 |
作 者 | 王俊程; 林保瑩; 劉謙美; | 書刊名 | 臺灣牙周病醫學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 14:1 2009.03[民98.03] |
頁 次 | 頁51-61 |
分類號 | 416.93 |
關鍵詞 | 黏膜厚度; 身體質量指數; 年齡; 性別; 牙周生物表現型; Thickness of masticatory mucosa; Hard palate; BMI; Age; Periodontal biotype; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 背景:在牙周美容手術與植牙手術中,硬顎區常是牙醫師取得軟組織來源的主要位置;硬顎區黏膜的厚度會影響牙醫師可取得的軟組織量,進而影響手術方式與結果。 目的:本研究的目的是利用牙周探針穿刺法來利量硬顎區從犬齒到第二大臼齒區黏膜的厚度,並進一步討論黏膜厚度與身體質量指數、年齡、性別、抽菸與牙周生物表現型之關係。 方法:收集43位台灣成人包括23位男性和20位女性(年齡從26歲至68歲),於硬顎區犬齒到第二大臼齒位置,每顆牙距離牙齦邊緣4mm、8mm、12mm處,用牙周探針穿刺法來利量共15個點的黏膜厚度,並利用Generalized estimating equations (GEE) method來進行統計分析。 結果:男性平均黏膜厚度爲4.31士0.61mm,女性平均黏膜厚度爲4.23±0.39mm,兩者並無統計學上的差異。在口內,黏膜厚度則由犬齒區往第二大臼齒區增加,但在第一大臼齒區距離牙齦邊緣4mm處呈現例外情形。在每顆牙位上,除犬齒外,其餘四顆後牙的黏膜厚度會隨距離牙齦邊緣愈遠而增加其厚度;口內側量的15個點,黏膜最薄的位置則出現在犬齒區距離牙齦邊緣12mm處(2.88±0.79mm)。 在所分析的五個因素中,僅年齡呈現統計學上有意義的影響,硬顎區黏膜厚度會隨著年齡增加而有增厚的傾向。 結論:本研究發現台灣成人硬顎區,最適合取牙齦軟組織的位置在犬齒到第二小臼齒之閒,並需注意第一大臼齒舌側牙根處黏膜偏薄的情形。身體質量指數、性別、抽菸與牙周生物表現型並不會影響個體間黏膜的厚度。 |
英文摘要 | Aim: The hard palate usually serves as a donor site for either epithelialized mucosal grafts or subepithelial connective tissue in plastic periodontal surgery. The purpose of this study is to investigate the thickness of masticatory mucosa of the hard palate in Taiwanese population and its association with the five selected factors: (i) body mass index (ii) age (iii) gender (iv) smoking status (v) biotypes of periodontal tissue defined by the frontal tooth sextant in the maxilla. Methods: Forty-three systemically healthy Taiwanese adults (23males; 20females; average age 48 years; range 26 to 68 years) participated in the study. The masticatory mucosal thickness was measured in the hard palate by "bone sounding". A multiple regression model using the generalized estimating equations (GEE) method was constructed to analyze the site-level data to investigate the association of the palatal mucosal thickness with the five selected factors and to analyze specifically differences among the 15 measurement points at site level. Results: The thickness of the palatal mucosa increased from the canine to second molar areas with the exception of the first molar area away from the gingival margin by 4mm. The thickness of the palatal mucosa also increased in the sites further from the gingival margin to the midline with the exception of the canine area. Females had thinner mucosa than males, but the difference was not statistically significant. Age was the only significant factor among the selected five factors to effect the palatal mucosal thickness. Conclusion: The thickness of palatal masticatory mucosa varies at different parts of the hard palate and increases with age. Body mass index, gender, smoking status and biotypes of periodontal tissue do not influence the thickness of palatal mucosa. |