- Study on ESP Supplementary Material Development for Tzu Chi Sign Language Opera
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題 名 | Study on ESP Supplementary Material Development for Tzu Chi Sign Language Opera=慈濟音樂手語劇專業英文補充教材研究 |
作 者 | 蔡裕美; 釋德慇; |
書刊名 | 慈濟技術學院學報 |
卷 期 | 14 2009.11[民98.11] |
頁 次 | 頁41-65 |
分類號 | 525.38051 |
關鍵詞 | 專業英文; 慈濟人文; 音樂手語劇; 跨領域學習; English for specific purposes; Tzu Chi humanities; Sign language opera; Interdisciplinary learning; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本研究敘述慈濟技術學院發展慈濟音樂手語劇專業英文講稿。慈濟音樂手語劇系出慈濟人文展演,結合慈濟歌曲,手語,室內樂,佛教經文等跨領域學習,傳揚人類的善念。台灣佛教慈濟慈善事業基金會開展慈善、醫療、教育、人文四大志業,齊居台灣非營利組織首善團體。目前慈濟在 16 個國家有 202 所慈濟學校(包含大學、技術學院、中學、小學、人文學校和推廣教育),亟需發展一套聚會演出所需要的司儀講稿專業英文手冊。依據專業英文(English for Specific Purposes)理論,研究者結合英語教學(Teaching English as Foreign Language),中文手語,慈濟人文,音樂和宗教等跨領域內容,統整成司儀的講稿。在2008年四個月的時程內還收入兩位外籍學生對談的資料,產出第一套的司儀講稿。研究也分析九位參與演出的在校學生和四位觀眾對講稿的想法。本研究採用Martin(1990), Belcher(2005)和Richard(2005)三位專家所提出的專業英文特質,發展講稿文體的專業英文單元。有鑒於學生英文能力不足卻有使用英文的需求,慈濟人文課程針對學生身處人文情境的特殊需求,像是表演藝術和心靈價值的表達,所編寫的的司儀講稿,將提供英 文 老師作為提高學習動機的教材。 |
英文摘要 | This paper offers a description of developing the scripts for Tzu Chi Sign Language Opera as English for Specific Purposes (ESP) materials at Tzu Chi College of Technology. Tzu Chi Sign Language Opera is attributable to Tzu Chi Humanities Performance integrating the Tzu Chi canonized songs, sign language, chamber music, and Buddhist scriptures to spread the goodwill of humankind. Buddhists Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation is among the elite non-profit organizations with four missions of charity, medicine, education and humanities in . There are 202 Tzu Chi Schools (including university, college, high schools, elementary schools, humanities schools and extension divisions) in 16 countries, and there is an increasing need to develop an ESP manual for the Master of Ceremony scripts used for the performance gatherings. Given the theory of English for Specific Purposes, the researchers incorporated the contents in the areas of English of Foreign Language (EFL), Chinese sign language, Tzu Chi Humanities, music and religion in developing the MC scripts. In collaboration with two foreign intern students’ assistance in gathering discourses, one set of MC scripts was produced during a four-month interval in 2008. Nine college students and four audiences were evaluated on their responses to the scripts. The study entailed the creation of ESP components in the form of scripts using the characteristics proposed by Martin (1990), Belcher (2005) and Richard (2005). With respect to the learner’s needs of using English while having insufficient EFL language competence, Tzu Chi Humanities MC scripts served as motivating materials for EFL teachers catering to the special needs of student learners situated in a context highlighting humanities such as performing arts and expression of spiritual values. |