題 名 | 論未成年人收養之國際趨勢與我國法制=The Law for Adoption of Minors in Taiwan and the International Trends |
作 者 | 林昀嫺; | 書刊名 | 臺灣國際法季刊 |
卷 期 | 5:1 2008.03[民97.03] |
頁 次 | 頁83-109 |
專 輯 | 國際民法專題 |
分類號 | 579.92 |
關鍵詞 | 收養法; 國際趨勢; 子女最佳利益原則; 同性戀伴侶; 跨種族收養; 多元家庭; Adoption law; International trend; The best interest of the child; Same-sex couples; Trans-racial adoption; Multiple norms; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文主要目的在於探討有關未成年人收養之國際趨勢,以及我國民法親屬編有關收養部分的變遷,進而觀察是否回應了國際的潮流。首先歸納出較具普遍性的國際趨勢,其一為「養子女最佳利益原則」趨於具體化。本文以聯合國兒童權利公約、英國收養與兒童法、加拿大卑詩省的收養法、以及美國統一收養法的相關規定為基礎加以說明。其二為反歧視、尊重多元家庭的價值。本文則以飽受爭議的同性戀伴侶收養、以及跨種族收養之爭議為例,分別具體描述。在檢討我國收養法制之部分,本文著重於民法親屬編於2007年修法前與修法後,法條內容是否反映了上述二種國際趨勢。最後,作者試圖對於日後的修法做出建議,並以建立一個寬容的社會作為總結。 |
英文摘要 | The former half of this article aims to analyze the international trends of the law for adoption of minors. The first noticeable trend is that "the best interest of the child" standard has become more concrete ever. Examples are drawn from perspectives of comparative law, such as Adoption and Children Act 2002 in UK and Uniform Adoption Act 1994 in the US. The other trend is the non-discriminative tendency. The academic/legislative/judicial debate over trans-racial adoption and adoption by same-sex couples is introduced in detail. The later half of this article focuses upon Taiwan's 2007 amendment of adoption law in Civil Code. After thorough examination, the author concludes that the new law complies with the first international trend but not quite with the second one. This article then suggests on behalf of future improvement of Civil Code, and proposes the vision of a more tolerant society with multiple norms for families. |