題 名 | 對美國一九九四年統一收養法之評析--兼論對我國收養法制之啟示=A Critical Assessment of the 1994 Uniform Adoption Act of the United States--Lessons for Taiwan in Reforming Its Legal System Concerning Adoption |
作 者 | 彭南元; | 書刊名 | 歐美研究 |
卷 期 | 29:1 1999.03[民88.03] |
頁 次 | 頁127-222 |
分類號 | 584.533 |
關鍵詞 | 收養; 收養法律制度; 美國一九九四年統一收養法; 收養資訊; 我國收養制度改革; Adoption; Legal System Concerning Adoption; Uniform Adoption Act of 1994--United States; Adoption information; Reform of the adoption system in Taiwan; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文之目的,是要對美國一九九四年統一收養法做一詳盡說明及評析,除序言外 ,全文共分四個部分:第一部分說明此法之制定經過及背景、重要規定內容及此法為各州所 接受之情形。第二部分對此法做一綜合性評估,其中包括其優越及可議之處。第三部分則探 討此法可供我國收養法制參考之處,並提出具體之建議。最後,本文在結論中指出,我國目 前之收養法制仍然缺乏社會工作之積極參與,收養當事人在心理及社會方面之利益尚未受到 重視,吾人以未成年被數養人之成長發展不容延滯之原則下,則美國制度雖非完善,惟可供 借鏡之處仍屬不少,實值得吾國多加注意,早日斟酌加以採行。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this paper is to make an in-depth examination and assessment of the Uniform Adoption Act (UAA) of the United States, which was enacted in 1994. Following the introductory remarks, the contents of the paper can be divided into four parts. Part One describes the general backgrund, legislative history, major provisions, and the Act's acceptance by various states. Part Two provides a critical evaluation of the UAA, including its merits and shortcomings. Part Three first examines whether the Act, in both its letter and spirit, can be "transplanted" to Taiwan, and then offers a number of concrete suggestions for doing so. In the concluding section, the paper points out that since the adoption system in Taiwan lacks the positive involvement of social dimensions, and since the interests of young adoptees cannot be ignored, several practices in the UAA can still be emulated while this country is currently engaged in the reform of its out-of-date legal system concerning adoption. |