- Using Extensive Reading to Improve the Learning Performance and Attitude of Elementary School Remedial Students
- Using Extensive Reading as a Remedial Program for Elementary English Underachievers--Implementation, Problems, and Solutions
- 從技職生之英語程度談中等教育英語文補救教學的急迫性
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- A Study of a Teacher-Training Program for College Students and Their Remedial English Instruction of Elementary School Students
- 國小英語補救教學:英語童書閱讀教學策略之應用
- The Effects of a Teacher-Training Program Integrated with Readers’ Theater on Remedial English Instruction
- Developing a Virtural EFL Center at STUT for Remedial Instruction
- 臺中縣國民小學英語補救教學實施現況與意見之研究
- 國小高年級英語低成就學生補救教學之行動研究
題 名 | Using Extensive Reading to Improve the Learning Performance and Attitude of Elementary School Remedial Students=運用廣泛閱讀於國小英語補救教學之研究 |
作 者 | 阮玲; 鄭錦桂; | 書刊名 | 英語教學 |
卷 期 | 32:4 2008.冬[民97.冬] |
頁 次 | 頁41-83 |
專 輯 | 兒童英語教學專刊 |
分類號 | 523.318 |
關鍵詞 | 英語廣泛閱讀; 英語補救教學; 國小英語低成就學生; Extensive reading; Remedial instruction; Elementary school English underachievers; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 國內外文獻顯示廣泛閱讀可以有效提昇語言學習者的語言能力及學習態度。然而在台灣,將廣泛閱讀實施於國小之相關研究卻近乎闕如,遑論將之實施於英語學習低成就者,故本研究之目的在探究運用英語廣泛閱讀於國小英語科補救教學之可行性。研究報告著重於英語低成就學生在參與英語廣泛閱讀計畫之後,其英語學習表現及英語學習態度之改變。本研究中,共有三位四年級英語學習落後學生參與為期四個月、30次的英語泛讀會。本研究資料來源涵蓋參與觀察、深度訪談、文件記錄、閱讀歷程記錄、研究日誌、字母辨識測驗、 Ohio常見字認讀測驗,及研究者自行發展之常見字認讀測驗。研究結果顯示,在參加廣泛閱讀計畫後,三位參與學生對英語字母及常見字之認讀均有增進,同時閱讀速度及正確率也有提昇。但三位中僅一位學生在計畫結束後,能有高於班級平均之表現。另外兩位雖然也有進步,其學期英語成績並無改善。研究資料也顯示在參加廣泛閱讀計畫之後,三位學生的英語學習態度均有正向提昇。他們對英語學習活動更為投入,學習信心也有增強,學生本身也因為有能力在閱讀計畫中獨立、廣泛的閱讀而獲致滿足。 |
英文摘要 | A lot of research evidence has shown that extensive reading (ER) is very effective in enhancing students’ language proficiency and learning attitude. However, there has been little research on the effectiveness of the ER program with elementary school EFL students in Taiwan in general and elementary school aged underachievers in particular. The purpose of this study was to explore the possibility of using extensive reading as a remedial program to improve the learning performance and attitude of elementary school EFL underachievers in Taiwan. Three fourth-grade English underachievers participated in the program. Thirty half-hour ER sessions were carried out over one semester. The researchers collected data through participant-observation, interviews, review of documents, running records of oral reading, researcher’s journal, a letter identification test, and two high-frequency word recognition tests. The results of this study showed that after the ER program, all three remedial students increased their letter and vocabulary knowledge. Their reading speed and accuracy rate also improved. However, only one of the students was able to perform at an above average level in their regular English class after the program was completed. In addition, the three participants’ learning attitudes changed positively after completion of the ER program. Specifically, participants became more engaged in English learning in school, had more confidence in learning English, and were able to gain satisfaction from reading independently and extensively. |